Rockz1101 Aqua Aura Universe eBay's Long Time USA Trusted Seller, your destination for unique one of a kind natural minerals, aura quartz crystals, quality aura quartz beads and more. Item titles and descriptions always identify the listed item. Item titles intend to not mislead by using vague or unrelated information. Item descriptions are included and offer standout features. Before purchase or before leaving a review, Ebay message me should there be questions about a listed item or purchase concerns. I do my best to respond within 24 hours of your message time stamp, as long as the Ebay site is operational. The search to offer one of a kind high quality crystals and minerals is an ongoing endeavor. Due to rising costs, I do not offer volume, wholesale pricing or best offers. The aura process is proprietary is not a paint and won't rub off and uses pure 24k gold, other pure earth minerals, some of which are in very limited supply. Superior materials = quality aura crystals.
Location:Â United StatesMember since:Â Jul 14, 2013Seller:Â rockz1101