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LONE STAR AUTO PARTS has been selling on eBay since 2017. We are dedicated to providing state-of-the art products and delivering the best customer services. All the order come before 3:30 pm CST will ship the same day.
Seller feedback (56,185)
- *****- Feedback left by buyer.Past monthVerified purchaseHonest Seller, package was delayed and destroyed by shipper, refunded purchase price, great communication, Thanks!
- *****- Feedback left by buyer.Past monthVerified purchaseItem as described, responsive seller, well packed, fast shipping!
- e***g (36)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseThe skip plate came quickly, and I got it installed Fits well The finish and the door are great. Two problems the packaging of the skid plate is two flimsy the top edge of Skid plate scraped through the packaging like It was dragged on the ground. The hard hardware kit was missing out of the box. Call customer service stated the problem and within two days I had the hardware kit in my hands. So great product great price and great customer service. Thank you.
- 0***m (6)- Feedback left by buyer.Past 6 monthsVerified purchaseHave not used it yet but The item was exactly what they describe and it arrived early which was nice! Thank you to this seller for shipping it quickly and selling a good product. The only thing I think can be done differently is it being shipped in a bigger box!
- *****- Feedback left by buyer.Past yearVerified purchaseexactly as described, perfect shipping, great packaging, great price, I think I will buy another pair just because this seller is so awesome. thank you.
- o***a (141)- Feedback left by buyer.Past monthVerified purchaseExcellent seller! Fast shipping, great communication, and the item matches the description perfectly. Very satisfied!