A++++ x’s INFINITY selleR!!! It’s no wonder they have such HIGH RATINGS!!! EXQUISITE rings, even more beautiful in person than the pictures! GREAT COMMUNICATION, CUSTOMER SERVICE, AND FASTER THAN EXPECTED SHIPPING. There was a hiccup with my order, (beyond the sellers control). I messaged them, and ALTHOUGH it showed that they were AWAY, they STILL responded IMMEDIATELY, saying that they would fix the problem, WITHOUT ANY issues, negative responses or even a hint of opposition! So VERY HAPPY!!!
*****- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Extremely happy with every part of this item. The seller responded to multiple emails and the communication was strong. I originally gave the seller an incorrect ring size and cause a bit of confusion by doing so. The seller understood and they shipped a ring that was even better than the photos. The shipping time was faster than stated. We are so happy and I would recommend them to anyone. Thank you - Lewis Clan Collectors
*****- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Received my ring earlier than expected! Had a minor hiccup with the delivery carrier but everything was sorted out to my satisfaction. I absolutely love it! When I opened the box my jaw dropped because I can’t believe how immaculate my ring is! The seller engraved my ring perfectly the way I wanted and the communication between us was great. They answered every question and concern I had with the upmost professionalism. I will definitely buy from this seller again in the near future. THANK YOU!
*****- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Item received as advertised. Great seller
*****- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
Verified purchase
Beautiful! Fits perfectly and came early. Highly recommend this seller 5 stars.
*****- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
Verified purchase
Absolutely spectacular!! On all fronts this was easily one of the most excellent high quality (and significantly larger center stone than planned) purchases I've taken a chance on. Super quick shipping once made, literally went from India to my doorstep within 36 hours, I had no idea shipping that fast was even possible. Thank you so much, you made my 5 year anniversary something I don't even have to worry about, will buy again!!!!