This store is operated by Inner City Mission of Springfield Inc, one of eBay’s trusted nonprofit partners
Inner City Mission of Springfield Inc
ICM works for the mental and spiritual transformation of the heart, mind, and soul of those who find themselves homeless, giving them the needed tools to obtain and maintain permanent housing. This is accomplished by providing a safe environment in which the love of God can do its work.
Inner City Mission is a Ministry found on the North Side of Springfield IL which houses the homeless. Our goal in this ministry is not just to put a roof over our residents but to also to calm the chaos and to bring everlasting joy and peace. We desire for our residents to work through past trauma and understand why there are here at the mission. We believe here at the Mission that true restoration comes through Jesus Christ and us this as a foundation for our ministry. This store serves as a work program for a residents to get paid and to be able to go into the work force with a smooth transition. We pray that this store can allow us to touch more lives but more importantly to allow Christ to work though us so that He can bring joy and everlasting peace.
Location: United StatesMember since: May 31, 2022Seller: innercitymission
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