The product arrived in very good conditions, no issues with the item, the packaging whatsoever. The seller sent the product 2-3 days later than I expected but that is not a big problem. The tracking information was also helpful, I could regularly check the package status and it arrived smoothly.
I gave 5 stars for the communication however it was simply an automated notification, probably from Ebay, rather than from the seller directly. I suspect he would had answered me. Recommended seller!
r***d (461)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Pleasant and easy transaction once again and I will definitely return. First class eBay seller. Thank you A++++
Although a positive transaction, I would recommend a sturdy carboard in the envelop with decal sheets. This envelop arrived folded by the shippers which damaged some of the decals. I am leaving positive feedback because I believe most decals will still be salvageable but as mentioned, I would suggest some sort of backing to prevent shippers from folding decal sheets.
3***7 (124)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past month
Verified purchase
The item was well packed. Pricing was very reasonable. Received the parcel in good condition and within the expected time period. Great value for money. Good seller to buy from.
r***b (1645)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
I had good communication with the seller and the model arrived well packed and in excellent condition. It also
offered the best price and lowest shipping rate available. Seller highly recommended! ★★★★★
n***j (216)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past year
Verified purchase
Item was well packed but, the box arrived a bit crushed, the content inside is OK. Good quality product, Shipping arrived late but, just few days. Best price, Item as described (New), Excellent seller.
Thanks !
2***r (468)- Feedback left by buyer.
Past 6 months
Verified purchase
Items arrived today. Speedy delivery. Nicely packaged. Items as advertised. Excellent seller, would highly recommend.