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Godzilla (Trans World, 1956). Framed UV Glass Fine/Very Fine One Sheet 27" X 41"


MTG - Magic The Gathering Secret Lair x MSCHF - FOIL Factory Sealed New


1000 Card Saver III 3 Tall Boy - Widevision -Gameday Semi Rigid Holders


Mel Blanc Signed 1942 Warner Bros. Employee ID and 1936 Social Security Card


Martin Luther King Jr Why We Can't Wait PB 1964 1st Printing Mentor Good


Manny Pacquiao Rare Christian Audigier Pound 4 Pound Shirt 2XL


BCW Life Magazine Top Loader Rigid PVC Topload Holder (50 Pack)


Norman Rockwell "The Druggist" Framed Lithograph Signed and Numbered 9/200


1932 Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Baily Circus Poster 28.25" x 42" Framed UV


Louis Vuitton Trianon Canvas Large 1867/1868 Steamer Trunk Antique French Chest


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Buying, selling, and collecting. Feel free to call/text, 205-966-5115.
Location: United StatesMember since: Nov 16, 2000Seller: cardology
Top Rated SellerCardology is one of eBay's most reputable sellers. Consistently delivers outstanding customer service Learn more

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  • e***g (167)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    GREAT eBay seller! Thank you, CARDOLOGY, for the smooth transaction. I greatly appreciate the prompt communication, fast and secure shipping, detailed description and your dedication to customer satisfaction, all which made the transaction pleasant. I look forward to future business with you!
  • g***j (20)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
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    Card arrived on time, packed securely and as described. Good value and would buy again
  • 9***3 (47)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    Great price and shipping was quick and packaged so professional
  • l***_ (372)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Great Shipper! - Item packed great and arrived as advertised with fast shipping.
  • r***7 (2317)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past year
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    Received as advertised in secure packaging and good price. Authentic and highly recommend the seller.
  • 0***b (416)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    5+ star EBAY seller. Highly recommended. 5+ star packaging with bubble envelope and fast shipping. Thank you making my son extremely happy. I look forward to doing more business with you again in the future.