2.7K items sold

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Pioneering in Dakota by Coursey South Dakota history with biography 1883-1896


Colorado River Ghost Towns by Paher history, locations in NV & AZ illustrated


Fort Laramie 1876: Chronicle of Frontier Post at War by Hedren history, photos


My Search for Burial Sites of Sioux Nation Chiefs by Walstrom detailed locations


Pine Cone Yearbook 1967 Rapid City High School, SD class photos, activities


Lines of Time by Kellar Petroglyphs in Central USA, Sonora Mexico text, illus




Isabel Territory History Jubilee Ed South Dakota family histories with photos


Horn Island Logs of Walter Inglis Anderson Intro by Sugg with illustrations


Goethe's Theory of Colour by M Schindler Research & 42 illustrations in color


Selected Papal Encyclicals & Letters, Vol. 1: 1896 to 1931 full text of 10 hb ed


Prairie Echoes by Diede memories of families Knife River, SW Mercer CO, No Dak


Bourbon Street: A History by Campanella HB like new with photos of New Orleans


Way It Was: Norwegian Homesteaders in North Dakota Frontier history photos


Line on Texas by Baxter 160 Art Sketches, + Texas regional history


Draft Horses by Dorothy Patent history, breeds, care highly illustrated


Face of North Dakota by Bluemle Detailed Analysis Geologic Forms illustrated


Hispanic Villages of Northern New Mexico by Weigle 26 locations info from 1935


Russian Works of Art 1980 Sotheby's Dec 4 -5 photos of Art, Porcelain, Faberge


Wittenberg, Perry County, Missouri history town, 1839-1972 newspaper articles


Postcards from South Dakota by Cecil history , trivia, photos 210 entries


Western Metis: Profile of a People Natives in Canada 14 researched articles


Faithful Heart: Journals of Emmala Reed, 1865-66 Civil War & Reconstruction SC


"Sauer Kraut" on Pioneer Trail biography Henry Lange, SD Cattleman by Swanson


HUNDERTWASSER by Mathey 52 Color, 12 B&W Illustrations, bio info, analysis


Wasta 1906-2006 by Lewis History of small town in Pennington Co, SD highly ill


Indian Education in American Colonies, 1607-1783 detailed researched history


Picturing Past: Journey Through Fremont County, (Colorado Photography 9 decades


Great Consolidation - South Dakota Style by Raines Groton, Andover, Columbia HS


Hired Hands : Labour & Development Prairie Agriculture 1880-1930 Canada history


CONVICTS, COAL and BANNER MINE TRAGEDY By Ward & Rogers 1911 Alabama history


Lord is My Shepherd RAF Aerial Combat Over Europe During WW II by Wilkinson


Victory Gardens & Long Handled Dippers: History Southwest Minnesota 324 essays


Down in Bull Creek (Pennington Co, SD) history Family & Wasta town by Tupper


125 YEARS of BLACK HILLS RAILROADING By Mills history from 1879 with photos


World War II Envelope Art of Cecile Cowdery Wife's art work writing to soldier


Country Matters  by Clare Leighton with 73 engravings & 14 stories c1937


Studies in Cistercian Art & Architecture Vol 5 Ed by Lillich 10 essays, ill


Growing Up with Town: Family & Community on Great Plains (Presho SD) by Schwiede


A Souvenir of Aberdeen Railroad Hub of Dakotas 283 pictures & text 1907 new ed


Back on the Farm: Celebrating South Dakota Farm & Ranch Families by Latza photos


Regionalists: Painters of American Scene by Heller history, 142 illustrations


Badger Clark Story by Morganti biography & 17 poems, photos SD Poet Laureate


South Dakota Flyers' Directory 1953 Airports with locations , Flyers & towns


The American Indian Speaks: Poetry, Fiction, Art, Stories Ed by John Milton


Late Quaternary Environments & Deep History Paleontology 12 papers of research


Eociha 1947 Black Hills Teachers College Yearbook many photos, good condition


Sarah Campbell: First White Woman in Black Hills Was African American by Pengra


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Location: United StatesMember since: Mar 01, 2008Seller: booksinsodak

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