8.0K items sold

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Atlas HO #12207 Transamerica 45' Pines Trailer RTR REAZ #638400 NEW


Accurail HO #8138b Union Pacific Pullman Standard Covered Hopper kit #73245 NEW


Atlas HO #12213 Xtra 45' Pines Trailer NEW #CFKZ RTR


Rapido Trains HO #38029 Burlington Northern EMD GP38 DCC-Ready RTR #2158 NEW


Walthers Mainline #910-19465 HO Amtrak EMD F40PH PH III DCC/Sound #338 NEW


Bowser HO #22 HO Gauge Foam Loco Cradle NEW


TCS #1278 CN Two-Piece Decoder for "Classic" Atlas N diesel locomotives NEW


Accurail HO #1013 WA State Grain Pullman Standard Covered Hopper kit #1013 NEW


TCS #1473 2-pin Micro Connector w/Black and White Wires NEW


Rapido Trains HO #28805 Amtrak EMD E8A w/HEP DCC/Sound RTR #498 Phase II NEW


Walthers HO #920-584408 Replacement Geared Driver Assembly Early Proto-2K NEW


Intermountain HO #46051-14 Great Northern 40' Plywood Panel Boxcar #10122 NEW


Rapido Trains HO #42531 UP GE C30-7 DCC/Sound ESU Lok-Sound RTR #2422 NEW


Rapido Trains HO #320101 Rail Crew Switch Machine w/Rotating Target NEW


Walthers HO #910-8777 NP International Wide Vision Caboose #1130 RTR NEW


F+N Hobbies HO #81704 Gravel Loads for Walthers Ballast Hopper (2) NEW


Rapido Trains HO #170006A Golden West GVSR PC&F B-70-69 Boxcar RTR #769001 NEW


F&N Hobbies HO #81104 Rusted Scrap Metal Load for Accurail 41' Gondola NEW


Accurail HO #81701 Great Northern 40' Combo Door Steel Boxcar kit NEW #18348


NCE #328 DCC Meter Fascia Mounting Kit for NCE DCC Meter NEW


Atlas Master HO #20 006 624 DTTX Thrall 53' Articulated Well Car NEW #888873 RTR


NCE #213 Straight Cab Bus Cable RJ12-7' w/RJ12 Connectors NEW


Athearn HO Illinois Central 40' Pulpwood Flatcar #63210 Used w/Cast Pulpwood RTR


Walthers HO #910-6625 Union Pacific 53' GSC Flatcar #59610 NEW


TCS #2010 KA-N1 Keep-Alive device NEW


Atlas Master HO #20 005 877 Union RR of Oregon FMC 5077 DD Boxcar NEW #1508 RTR


NCE #209 Coil Cord RJ 7' w/RJ Connector NEW


Rapido Trains HO #38506 B&O EMD GP38 DCC/Sound ESU Lok-Sound RTR #3817 NEW


Rapido Trains HO #401064A TTX Gunderson Husky Stack RTR #646570 + 647089 NEW


Atlas Classic HO #10-001-444 Spokane Int'l Alco RS-1 DC/DCC Ready RTR #1218 NEW


Kadee HO #6932 KDC 2024 Christmas 40' PS-1 Boxcar 8' Door #032 NEW


Rapido Trains HO #38524 PC EMD GP38 DCC/Sound ESU Lok-Sound RTR #7865 NEW


Tomar #H-840 US&S Lower Quadrant Semaphore Single Arm Operating NEW


Rix Products HO #305 44 Foot Tall Corrugated Grain Bin Kit NEW


F&N Hobbies HO #81100 Coal Load for Accurail 50-ton 2-Bay Hopper (2) NEW


Accurail HO #1156 Bangor & Aroostook 36' Fowler Wood Boxcar kit NEW #9827


Walthers HO #910-7997 UP 37' 2980 cu ft 2-bay Covered Hopper #218278 NEW


Atlas Trainman HO #20 006 635 CATX Thrall 4750 Covered Hopper NEW #5020 RTR


NCE #205 BD20 Block Detector NEW


Woodland Scenics #JP5630 Just Plug Street Lights w/Wooden Pole NEW


TCS #1028 DP2X HO DCC Decoder for locomotives with 8-pin sockets NEW


Jaeger HO Products #1500 High Cascade Lumber Load kit for 40-50' Flatcars NEW


NCE #226 Auto SW Program Track Auto Switch for NCE Power Cab NEW


Walthers HO #910-8767 GN International Wide Vision Caboose #X-51 RTR NEW


Walthers HO #910-8763 Burlington Northern Int'l Wide Vision Caboose #10169 NEW


Walthers Mainline HO #910-6602 Burlington Northern 53' GSC Flatcar #612877 NEW


NCE #252 Red 10 feet of 30 Gauge Wire for DCC NEW


Rapido Trains HO #42530 UP GE C30-7 DCC/Sound ESU Lok-Sound RTR #2419 NEW


About us

Blue Mountain Trains offers personalized service for the model railroad hobbyist. We have been active in the hobby for over 30 years, and have a great deal of knowledge and experience.We offer HO and N trains from Atlas, Kato, Accurail and many more. We also offer NCE and TCS DCC decoders.
Location: United StatesMember since: Oct 18, 1998Seller: bluemountaintrains
Top Rated SellerBlue Mountain Trains is one of eBay's most reputable sellers. Consistently delivers outstanding customer service Learn more

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  • e***p (794)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Prompt emails, speedy shipping, product as advertised. Excellent seller. A+++++
  • u***z (173)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past year
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    item as described, priced good, well packed and shipped fast at fair rate! can't ask for anything more!
  • u***l (590)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Seller was really helpful. There was an error in the listing. He refunded my payment quickly. He also sent mailing label to return item. Very honest seller I would recommend his ebay store. Very fast to correct the problem and make it right. Will use again.
  • t***t (703)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Fast shipping great packaging! NIB as described
  • i***h (44)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Kits, kits and more kits please. That's what I enjoy most. This seller was very quick on sending me the package. It was packed very, very well. I will purchase from this seller again.
  • e***e (4918)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Relly happy with purchase, item as described fast delivery to Australia from the USA, good Ebay Seller to deal with.