64K items sold

All items

NON-ENGLISH Malakir Bloodwitch - Zendikar - NM, S-Chinese


MTG - Lurrus of the Dream-Den - Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths - NM, English Magic FL


MTG - Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire - Core Set 2019 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE S


MTG - Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief - Commander 2014 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE


MTG - Shattered Angel - New Phyrexia - MP, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


Pokemon - Onix - 010/034 - Classic Collection - Holo - Trading Card Game Classic


MTG - Nine Lives - Foil - Core Set 2021 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Emblem - Arlinn - Shadows Over Innistrad - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHI


MTG - Door to Nothingness - Magic 2013 - LP, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Basri Ket - Showcase - Core Set 2021 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh - Borderless - Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty - NM, En


MTG - Nissa, Who Shakes the World - War of the Spark - NM, English Magic FLAT RA


Pokemon - Sandslash - 41/62 - Uncommon - 1999-2000 Wizards Base Set Copyright -


Pokemon - Togepi - 102/135 - Common - Reverse Holo - BW Plasma Storm - NM


NON-ENGLISH Increasing Confusion - Dark Ascension - NM, S-Chinese


MTG - Whiptongue Hydra - Commander 2018 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


Pokemon - Infernape - 17/135 - Holo Rare - BW Plasma Storm - NM


MTG - Numot, the Devastator - Commander - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Admonition Angel - Worldwake - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Squirrel Sovereign - Modern Horizons 2 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Cloud Cover - Planeshift - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Garth One-Eye - Foil - Modern Horizons 2 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHI


MTG - Archetype of Courage - Born of the Gods - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


Pokemon - Hypno - 51/122 - Rare - XY - BREAKPoint - NM


MTG - Crypt Incursion - Dragon's Maze - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Teferi, Temporal Archmage - Mystery Booster - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE


MTG - Eye of Singularity - Visions - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Mogis, God of Slaughter - Born of the Gods - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE S


Pokemon - Amaura - 27/131 - Uncommon - Reverse Holo - Sun & Moon Forbidden Light


MTG - Vampire Hexmage - Mystery Booster - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief - Mystery Booster - NM, English Magic FLAT RAT


MTG - Kaya, Geist Hunter - Borderless - Innistrad: Crimson Vow - NM, English Mag


Pokemon - Garchomp - 91/124 - Rare - Reverse Holo - BW - Dragons Exalted - NM


YUGIOH - Hungry Burger - MRL-068 - Common - 1st Edition - NM - FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis - Theros Beyond Death - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE


Pokemon - Kangaskhan - 017/034 - Classic Collection - Holo - Trading Card Game C


Pokemon - Jolteon - 45/95 - Uncommon - Call of Legends - NM


MTG - Timmy, Power Gamer - Unglued - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Endless Cockroaches - Commander 2013 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Thraben Watcher - Modern Horizons 2 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


Pokemon - Bewear - 113/145 - Uncommon - Reverse Holo - Sun & Moon Guardians Risi


MTG - Heedless One - Duel Decks: Elves vs. Goblins - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE


Pokemon - Defender - 80/102 - Uncommon - Unlimited Edition - Base Set - NM


MTG - Wilderness Reclamation - Ravnica Allegiance - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE


MTG - Trostani, Selesnya's Voice - Return to Ravnica - NM, English Magic FLAT RA


MTG - Mangara, the Diplomat - Core Set 2021 - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Lord of the Accursed - Amonkhet - NM, English Magic FLAT RATE SHIP


MTG - Vorel of the Hull Clade - Foil - Dragon's Maze - NM, English Magic FLAT RA


About us

Vendor of Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG single cards. We also design and sell complete custom EDH Decks for Magic: the Gathering!
Location: United StatesMember since: Jan 09, 2000Seller: blacklotusgogames

Detailed seller ratings

Average for the last 12 months
Accurate description
Reasonable shipping cost
Shipping speed

Seller feedback (18,460)

  • r***r (125)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    Excellent seller! My Pokémon card was priced at an excellent value, it was packaged very nicely, quality/condition was exactly as described in the add, and it was shipped/arrived at my house earlier than expected. Would absolutely recommend seller to other buyers and I will be purchasing from again in the future.
  • a***i (15)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    First time buying from this seller, got a few cards and I am super happy with my purchase and service provided! Card's quality and condition is just as described, and the value is great. So glad to be seeing less "sought" after cards here, like holos or reverse holos they can be a bit trickier to find cause most want the rarest or "biggest" hits. Cards arrived safe and sound and was securely packed, such pretty cards honestly. I will be returning in the future! Highly recommend.
  • _***a (180)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    Excellent transaction! Item arrived quickly, exactly as described, and well-packaged. Great communication and a smooth experience overall. Highly recommend this seller!
  • n***6 (180)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    Thank you! The card arrived quickly, was well-packed, and in excellent condition. Great quality and value—exactly as described. Highly recommend this seller!
  • n***r (139)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    Item came as described and very well packaged. Seller was very communicative during the process. I would highly buy and trust the seller again!
  • m***h (1091)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    The items were well packed.in excellent condition upon arrival....Almost mint condition & good communications. A pleasure doing business with them. A+ rating. Appearance Value was good. Quality was decent.