MATRIX Color Sync Demi-Permanent Hair Color 2 Oz -1 Left 3N

Free shipping - Arrives by Christmas
Get it between Tue, Dec 10 and Fri, Dec 13
30 days returns. Seller pays for return shipping.
New with box
10V Developer 2oz
10V Developer 16oz
10V Developer 32oz
20V Developer 2oz
20V Developer 16oz
20V Developer 32oz
30V Developer 2oz
30V Developer 32oz
40V Developer 2oz
40V Developer 32oz
1A Black Ash
3N Darkest Brown Neutral
3VV Darkest Brown Violet Violet
3WN Darkest Brwon Warm Neutral
3V Violet (Out of stock)
4A Dark Brown Ash
4BC Dark Brown Brown Copper
4BR Dark Brown Brown Red
4G Dark Brown Gold (Out of stock)
4RB Dark Brown Red Brown
4RV+ Medium Brown Red Violet
5AA Medium Brown Ash Ash - Pow... (Out of stock)
5MM Medium Brown Mocha Mocha
5N Medium Brown Neutral
5M Medium Brown Mocha
5RR+ Medium Brown Red Red+ (Out of stock)
5WM Medium Brown Warm Mocha
5WN Medium Brown Warm Neutral
5VA Medium Brown Violet Ash - ...
5VV Medium Brown Violet Violet
6A Light Brown Ash
6AG Light Brown Ash Gold (Out of stock)
6BC Light Brown Brown Copper
6BR Light Brown Brown Red
6CG Light Brown Copper Gold
6G Gold
6M Light Brown Mocha
6N Light Brown Neutral
6RB Light Brown Red Brown
6RC+ Light Brown Red Copper+
6RV+ Dark Blonde Red Violet+
6WN Light Brown Warm Neutral
7AA Dark Blonde Ash Ash - Powe...
7AG Dark Blonde Ash Gold (Out of stock)
7CC+ Dark Blonde Copper Copper+ (Out of stock)
7M Dark Blonde Mocha
7MM Dark Blonde Mocha Mocha
7R Dark Blonde Red (Out of stock)
7RR+ Dark Blonde Red Red+
7VA Dark Blonde Violet Ash - P...
8A Medium Blonde Ash
8BC Medium Blonde Blonde Copper
8CG Medium Blonde Copper Gold
8G Medium Blonde Gold
8GG Medium Blonde Gold Gold
8N Medium Blonde Neutral
8P Medium Blonde Pearl
8RC+ Medium Blonde Red Copper+
8V Medium Blonde Violet
8WN Medium Blonde Warm Neutral
9GV Light Blonde Gold Violet
10A Extra Light Blonde Ash
10CG Copper Gold
10G Extra Light Blonde Gold
10M Extra Light Blonde Mocha
10MM Extra Light Blonde Mocha ... (Out of stock)
10N Extra Light Blonde Neutral
10P Extra Light Blonde Pearl
10V Extra Light Blonde Violet
10WN Extra Light Blonde Warm N...
Clear (Transparent)
HDRR Red Red HD Color
HDRV Red Violet HD Colo
SPA Sheer Pastel Ash
SPN Sheer Pastel Neutral
SPP Sheer Pastel Pearl
SPV Sheer Pastel Violet
(Either white cap or black cap 2oz bottle with NO Lable, No Original Bottle, No Seal). MATRIX COLOR SYNC 2oz DEMI-COLOR. are enhanced with bond protection technology. (SEALED) (CHOOSE YOURS). These new formulas will give you and your hair much more support and protection during the whole dyeing process.