Exactly what I've been looking for to put my extra cash in. Don't wanna run to the bank every time I have a few extra dollars in my wallet. Very nice and clean. Love the easy to carry handle. No huge, hard to remove, shipping label (post-it note size). Love it. Thanks
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Appears to be a good bottle but the plastic is not like a regular water bottle. This bottle is made of really lite weight plastic not like most 5 gallon water bottles. Was expecting a thicker 5 gallon water bottle. But I will use it and will see how it works and lasts.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
You really should have some bottled water in case of something happening and these are great for that purpose. The bottles can be sealed and stored. A great thing to have for when you might need drinking water. Jeff Woods
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Came quick, is what they said, but could be less expensive for what it is. Come to find out Walmart sells something similar for less with water in it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Use this for change. Plastic is thick and won't crack.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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