Bang for the Buck, The E6300 with the 1066 BUSS is a strong performer. Consistently out performs the E5000 series because of the memory speed and you will not find much difference the E6300 versus E7400 processors, which have the same clock speed, only diffence in L-2 cache. Your hard drive becomes the limiting factor and not the processing with the E6300. Moderate gaming chip with limited overclocking capability though. I like the 1066 BUSS that matches the 1066 BUSS on the memory if your motherboard supports 1066 DDR2. Then,it is 1:1 clocking, no mismatch.
socket 775 is far alive in my opinion, this is the best dual core out there for the price! i got mine for 62$ shipped... this dual core is like a core 2 duo under cover because it has 2mb cache and a 1066 fsb! you can bump up the clock to 3.0ghz on air.. with no problem... dual cores are great overclockers.. with some proper cooling you could get this to 3.6ghz! this is great for tight 775 budget gaming pc. pair this with a good video card and you cant go wrong!
it´s one of the best pentium processors in the market, this processor is cheap, and can´t be compared to processors like quad core or core i7, but at this day still manages to run every aplication and game in the market whitout problems and support all the new technologies like x64 and virtualization.
This processor is very fast, the motherboard for it is not expensive and work very well it is a good option. I like that.
Needed a new processor for my computer as the old one went south. The new one did the trick. All is good again.
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