Fine quality construction but a minimal novelty tool at best. Do yourself a favor, buy an ordinary 4x5 sight adjustment tool(cheap), a standard AR wrench, and use a better fully functional standard type multitool. Never seen any tool without a blade. Of my 8 AR type rifles, only the receiver takedown pins and a couple of rail screws can be dealt with by this tool, fits nothing else on my SIGs, S&Ws, or Rugers. Sight adjustment tool is two overly sharp prongs that poke through the provided sheath and make it difficult to get in the sheath, then worm their way through the webbing to protrude dangerously. It wasn't worth investing in return postage so it will get tossed into the range bag where it will work its way to the bottom of the heap, which is befitting it usefulness
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Another excellent Letherman Tool
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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