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Give yourself time to get use to this machine may take a full carton to get it, might get frustrated make sure your tobacco is'nt too dry or too fine
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This thing worked really well for about 70 cigarettes. Then, using the same tobacco as everyone was using on all the youtube video's, and not over packing it at all, it mad a loud pop and the cutter blade did nt retract and the little plastic piece that holds the tube while the injector pushes the tobacco in, did not pull away from the little nozzle that holds the tube. I cleaned it all out, using the brushes they provided and tried pushing the start button with nothing in it, about 5 times. It made a clunking noise and the two parts did not operate correctly. I found the warranty information and started packing it back to return it, I could hear stuff rattling around inside the unit. (Probably the broken parts). After reading the warranty, it's a ONE TIME ONLY 1 year limited warranty. I am not a rough person, I take care of my things. I still have appliances I received as wedding gifts in 1987 and don't normally have any trouble with any of my appliances. The ebayer I bough this from simply referred me to the company that makes them..., so he doesn't stand behind this product either. I would go with a tougher model if I were you!!! This was a waste of money and time. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I though by getting a different brand of Elec roller was gonna make a different. But this roller to me does not work any better then the others ones that are offered for 10-20 dollars . I have tried the not so costly ones and to me I am gonna send this one back but I need to wait till I have the money in the week to buy another one before doing so. And you need to have something straight to push the button so can fill the tube. This is my experience when using it . When following their directions this machine doesn't pack a cigarette right there a lot of space thru out the tube . It does not pack the tobacco to the end .
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I had my old machine (same model) for almost 8 years, but the poor thing was starting to make noises (don't we all with age)? It had been a steadfast and reliable machine, and I never considered a different brand. The one just purchased is so slick and fast! It's amazing how you forget what new is like. My rolling time is so much quicker. Sure it can still jam, but I find that's as much about how you pack it and more importantly, how fresh and moist the tobacco is. I wouldn't consider another brand for an electric machine, but to be honest, this is hurricane country so a manual back up is important during power outages.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have been making my own cigarettes for years and know how to use this type of machine. Unfortunately it's "spoon" feed packs too loosely, tamping harder only jams it, and there is no adjustment knob/lever to control packing tightness. This resulted cigarettes having the heads falling off. OK in an emergency, but not recommended. Cheaper machines actually did better in terms of consistency.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
this is a great little machine especially because it is spoon injected and not auger type...only thing top o matic should do is eleminate the clear plastic shield that is used to power a cigarette as mine was broken brand new out of the box and now I have to use a pencil or an object to hit the button to make a cigarette....I did monkey glue the cover but we will see if it holds and I didn't feel up to sending it back and trying for one that is not broken because even without it it still works very well.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
2+ years of daily service. I originally spent under $100 for this power roller a little over 2 years ago. I smoke a little more than a pack a day. I always use Gambler tobacco with Top king tubes. 3 days ago it made some popping sounds and the pressing blade (the sliver thing that mashes the tobacco flat before stuffing it into the tube) seemed to get hung up. Upon complete disassembly, I found that a very small bearing that is mounted on the underside of the pressing blade was pulverized. There was a small spring also somehow involved floating around the bottom of the case. No way to replace it, so it is time for a new one. I just hope the new one lasts equally as long. I calculate it rolled over 20,000 cigarettes for me.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Cost of tobacco is going up and this is an excellent way to save money. It is a bit time consuming until you get the hang of it, but once you've learned, You're in the money....... We started with the Hand Machine and soon after upgraded to this electric roller. It's super and works like a champ. Much faster, & less strain on the shoulders, cranking the handle to roll the cigarette. When you're 82 yrs. young it gets a little ruff after a while. This electric machine does the cranking for you. IMPORTANT to watch for when buying any machine ...... Make sure it will roll both king size & 100's Some machines only roll king size & we need 100's. Being a Top - O - Matic brand and the fact that it rolled 100's were selling points for us. Hope you will be as happy with yours as we are with ours.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Excellent product - purchased prior to my husband's shoulder surgery since he wouldn't be able to use his manual roller. Easy to use & I especially love the carrying that is included because my husband tends to be rough on gadgets so added protection is always a plus.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I used to use hand crank machine. Wish I found this long time ago. So much better, easier, and faster. Load it up push a button and done. No more hand crank machine for me
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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