There are various types if sea salt but I like this one for the minerals found in it. It is a little more "moist" than others as well but that is just how it is. I use it mostly in cooking. It is not a table sakt but can be if you prefer. You will like it once you try it.
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Neither good nor bad. It's got a lighter flavor than table salt. Boasts that it has "over 74 vital minerals" but, from what I've read, only have trace minerals that really don't make a difference in our diet. It's nice though. Makes me feel like Salt Bae when I sprinkle it on foods lol.
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Great nutritional side effects like regular salt and regular sea salt... Things seem to taste better to me with this salt. The flavor of foods pops..I first noticed it on baked chicken with the skin....Does not effect your blood pressure it.
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I love the taste. Tastes really great and healthier than regular salt. My family can't tell the difference, so switch with confidence
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I bought the salt for my sister in Oklahoma because me and my husband use it. It’s pretty awesome stuff like it. I hope she likes it. I know her son back there in Oklahoma uses it too, so it’s pretty awesome.
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