Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Factory Manufactured
Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Save on Factory Manufactured
Caveat up front...the external ring/key clip on this knife fell off almost immediately....that aside (never used that bit on pocketknives anyway) it is a top quality knife and far superior to the other boy-scout type knives listed. The ends are solid nickel, the liners are brass, the blades are good quality steel, the action is smooth (a bit tight when it is new—add a bit of oil) and the handles are solidly mounted. If you grew up with a scout knife (or had a dad who always carried one in his pocket) you will appreciate the long-lasting quality of this knife.
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It is almost impossible to open up any of the tools other than the main blade. You literally need a coin or a screwdriver to open up the other three tools. Although it’s a very nice looking knife and well-made. Never had a knife so difficult to open in my entire life. I don’t know if I got a bad one or if they are all this way.
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A better knife than my original scout knife from 60 years ago. A can opener and a bottle opener on a knife isn't as important in modern times, but It wouldn't be a scout knife without these features! The quality of this Old Timer is excellent, and it was a good value too.
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Great little pocket knife. Always loved Scrade knives.
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Had it 4 days and lost it... Very good knife while I had it tho.
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Good quality folding knife designed for Scouting, nice quality should last many years. 0
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Factory sharp.
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Better than anticipated
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Thank you
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it is working well
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New