My dad has used this device a few times already, when he fell and needed help getting up. The only problems I have had are with the phone people who call the number 2 contact instead of #1 contact person's numbers. This caused delay as the #2 person lives out of state. I finally deleted her contact numbers. Since then, Dad has twice used this device and I was not notified by dispatch. I found out from neighbors he had been transported to hospital for a bloody nose. So I guess I will have to insert my contact numbers in ALL of the contact slots, maybe then they will call me instead of my sis on the other side of the USA 3000 miles away! My other complaint is when I call customer service, access passwords and all the clearance info is hard to get access to the account even just to locate the device when it got lost. It's easier to access my bank accounts! In summary, they are good at sending out EMT just in case, then things get really expensive.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
The original Urgent 5Star device is superior to all of its subsequent upgrades because the newer upgrades lack a hole to attach a safety strap directly to the device. Instead, on the newer upgrades, safety straps can only be attached to a "removable" clip. This is extremely poor engineering design. For example, when someone falls, the jolt from the fall snaps the device from the removable clip, flinging it far away, and out-of-reach of the person who needs to call for emergency services! This ORIGINAL Urgent 5Star, when attached to your body with a safety strap, remains with you, during falls and other circumstances that would only save the worthless removable clip on the later upgrades to this durable ORIGINAL 5Star Urgent Care Device!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
It has GPS, which means Mom can wear it anywhere she goes. If she has an emergency situation at, say, the grocery store, a call to 911 will bring an EMT to her location in minutes. The other service had the same thing, but it cost much more.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
, THE DEVICE WORKS GREAT, with a push of one button you have basically have any kind of help, information, need for assistance at your finger tip . My mom fell and her 5 star device detected her fall, instantly had a emergency dispatcher online and connected me with my mother with a 3 way conversation and dispatched emergency services at the same time,. help stayed on the line with mom and myself on my cell phone ,while I drove cross town , its really cool .
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great Star This product is no longer used by 5 Star! I tried to set it up and of agents said the numbers to be entered would not go through because this product is outdated.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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