It's a cheap case that gets the job done. Just have be careful not to rough handle it because it's really flimsy and panels can easily bend and warp which makes it difficult to put them back on. One of it greatest up sides is the cable management as with good routing, you can really hide the mess of cables out of sight. One down side is that I wish it came with more PCI port covers to replace the pop out ones in case you pop out ones you didn't need to and leave unsightly uncovered port in the rear.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Everything about this case is great EXCEPT ONE THING. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ The 3.5" HDD slots are UN-USEable. They slot in and lock in place nicely but plugging in the SATA cables leaves them sticking out well past where the side panel needs to go. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ You cannot put the case side on when a 3.5"HDD is plugged in. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ There is plenty of room for the HDDs to sit back farther in the case, sadly. Hmm perhaps there is a stop tab in the slot... AHA! ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ 2 small tabs bent flat let me push the slide back farther than intended and it fits!!! ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Pics included.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Nice case. Good construction. Only issue is how hard drives mount. Easy to get in and out, but you have to use right angle SATA cables or the side plate will put undue pressure on the drive connections.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Case is nicely priced and meets my expectations -- I was familiar with this particular model before purchasing and the price was excellent.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great case, plenty of room for everything you need to install. Plenty of room to hide cables as both of the sides are removable. Has bays for 3.5 and 2.5 hard drives, no adapters needed.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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