Nationally recognized author and gardener Allan A. Swenson combines his green thumb secrets with his extensive research on Scripture and the Holy Land to produce a delicious work of exegesis. Readers will find their understanding of the Bible and Jesus' life enriched as they discover the foods of Jesus' diet, how he and the Apostles built community through shared meals, and the significance of the many food references in the New Testament. Swenson offers instruction for growing barley, beans, garlic, lentils, wheat, grapes, olives trees, pomegranates, and many other foodstuffs you can cultivate on your own little acre (or fire-escape). Interspersed is history of the Holy Land, nutrition tips, recipes, and scriptural references that tie gardening methods and specific foods to spiritual principles. With beautiful photographs and dozens of useful illustrations, Foods Jesus Ate and How to Grow Them is both an inspiring and practical resource for gardeners of all skill levels., America's biblical garden writer shares the secrets to enjoying ancient foods. Nationally recognized author and gardener Allan A. Swenson combines his green thumb secrets with his extensive research on Scripture and the Holy Land to produce a delicious work of exegesis. Readers will find their understanding of the Bible and Jesus's life enriched as they discover the foods of Jesus's diet, how he and the Apostles built community through shared meals, and the significance of the many food references in the New Testament. Swenson offers instruction for growing barley, beans, garlic, lentils, wheat, grapes, olives trees, pomegranates, and many other foodstuffs you can cultivate on your own little acre (or fire-escape). Interspersed is history of the Holy Land, nutrition tips, recipes, and scriptural references that tie gardening methods and specific foods to spiritual principles. With beautiful photographs and dozens of useful illustrations, "Foods Jesus Ate" is both an inspiring and practical resource for gardeners of all skill levels. 40 color photos, 20 illustrations., Nationally recognized author and gardener Allan A. Swenson combines his green thumb secrets with his extensive research on Scripture and the Holy Land to produce a delicious work of exegesis. Readers will find their understanding of the Bible and Jesus' life enriched as they discover the foods of Jesus' diet, how he and the Apostles built community through shared meals, and the significance of the many food references in the New Testament. Swenson offers instruction for growing barley, beans, garlic, lentils, wheat, grapes, olives trees, pomegranates, and many other foodstuffs you can cultivate on your own little acre (or fire-escape). Interspersed is history of the Holy Land, nutrition tips, recipes, and scriptural references that tie gardening methods and specific foods to spiritual principles. With beautiful photographs and dozens of useful illustrations, "Foods Jesus Ate and How to Grow Them" is both an inspiring and practical resource for gardeners of all skill levels.