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WALTHER makes quality guns and these 8 round mags are no different! Made in Italy! These 8 round mags are approximately a 1/4" longer than the 7 round mag. The 7 round mag feels pretty good in the hand but the 8 round mag makes the gun fit my hand perfectly! I can get my whole pinky on it. "My hands are on the large side". Yes the 8s longer than the 6 and 7 round mags for CC but not a issue for me! Nothing negative to say!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Excellent mags - feed and fit are great. Typical Walther quality. Sadly, eBay's communists won't allow standard capacity mags to be sold here, so we're out of luck on full-size pistols, but for subcompacts, this is still a good place to buy mags. Until the liberals ban them, of course. As they ban everything that reeks of freedom.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Same Walther Mag that comes with Law Enforcement version PPS M2 (LE). High quality Walther Mag functions perfectly with slightly more finger purchase. Highly recommend & comes in walther branded clamshell packaging. Feels great in the hand
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is a factory brand new 8 round magazine at an unbeatable price! Free shipping and the price makes this a no brainer! All 8 rounds were loaded with no problems. No failure to feed or eject issues.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I mainly got this to see if the 7 round or 8 round worked better for me. The extra length on both helps me grip the gun the best. As far as weight, grip, ect. there isn't much difference between the 7 round or 8 round mag but the extra round. I had an issue with the magazine at first where it wasn't ejecting properly when loaded. It would unloaded. Not sure why or how, but it fixed itself and now ejects properly. I would highly recommend.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The Walther PPS M2 9mm.is an outstanding EDC pistol. Perfect size, caliber, ergonomics and excellent reliability. The one issue I had was ammo capacity with only 6 and 7 round mags (+1). This new 8 round magazine is what was needed for a spare carry mag. Now I carry the 7+1 loaded and and the 8 round as a spare for a total of 16 rounds. Now this fine pistol is at the top of it's class! Thank you Walther.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Excellent addition for any PPS owner - well made - suggest you invest ina magazine loader - the magazine spring is very strong so, loading by hand takes a toll on your fingers and thumb
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Have to have it for my PPS M2 so I went with an excellent supplier I know in spite of the price. Magazines are becoming more and more expensive for what they are made of and how they are made but they are necessary for the purpose for which they are intended. Therefore, if you don't have them you can't use your gun and if you have a dependable gun like Walther then you must pay the price in order to have what it takes for the gun to work. I know gooutdoorgear and their commitment to excellence so I buy from them.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Every time i tryed to get a 8 round magazine for my walter m2... i kept getting magazine for walter pps classics now i have 3 magazine for a gun that i don't own. The 8 round magazine for walter pps m2 is great and i carry a spare magazine with me. My walter pps m2 is very accurate it's a pleasure to shoot. So far i put about a 1,000. Rounds through it scenes i owned it. A good little shooter!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have pretty big hands and the 8 round magazine's pinky extension allows me to get a good purchase on the PPS M2. Great quality as expected from Walther at a good price. The only downside to this magazine is adding the 8th round is really difficult when loading for the first time. I purchased 4 of these and it's the same with all of them but once you get it in it becomes easier each time after that.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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