This one-season show tells the story of a Brooklyn precinct and its daily struggles with law enforcement. The show demonstrates tensions between Afro-American suspects and white police officers. The off-duty lives of officers are also captured on camera when a particular officer and his wife fight almost every episode. No words are minced and no actions are cut from this very real life story. It only aired for one season though so if you want to watch it, you'll have to buy it on DVD.
Excellent police drama that portrayed life on the beat from the human side of the job... In one of the toughest areas to work in Brooklyn. A diverse and multicultural mixture of people with an multitude of inner-city problems. It put a different face on the street cop... cops are people too. It's a shame it went only one season. "Steven Bochco hit the mark"
I have only watched the first few episodes and all I can say is AWESOME!!!!! It's got action from the very first episode. From a police officers point of view, it portrays very well the way an officer feels when going through the situations in the show. Awesomely done.... If you like "The Shield" "Third Watch" or "Southtown", you are going to love this show!!
perhaps a bit dated already due to more sophisticated crime dramas like CSI and Law and Order, and although standing out in the genre it still presents familiar cliches in as much as the characters are a bit predictable. HOWEVER a brilliant drama with some edge of your seat moments and loveable characters, the pilot is amazing and the lover of New York cop stories can just revel in the authenticity of the phrases, the locations and the action.
The pilot episode got me hooked when it first aired. I didnt catch many episodes after that but the show name stuck with me, so when I saw a dvd set for a reasonable price I decided to try it out. And the whole series is just as good as the pilot episode. It ties with Homicide as my favorite police dramas both are hard hitting and dont let up on the pacing.
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