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Be careful. This thing does what it says it does VERY WELL.... EXTREMELY well.... to the point where testing it if worked for less than 5 seconds made an entire room (bedroom) uninhabitable for about 30m (Ozone is toxic), You NEED VERY GOOD ventilation, or SEVERALLY HOURS to let a room airout or you WILL die. This thing is a mini ausshwits or however you spell it. works great for the job, but zero safety and it feel sketchy, but it works and I've had no issues with. If you have a bug problem, use this here and they'll be gone with in a week at the MOST a day on average
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is a powerful machine that is quite abit more powerful than our last ozone machine. I appreciate that the timer is very easy to set, with just a quick turn of the knob. I’ve learned that just 10 minutes in a bedroom, with the doors & windows closed is typically all that is needed for a powerful, long lasting effect.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
We’ve used this machine just twice now when we are planning on being away from home more than two hours. The cycle for our size home is about an hour and the settling time is about 30 minutes. Easy to use and when we return home, the air is clean. I was concerned about my plants in the house but so far the plants look okay and maybe even thriving?! Will know more as I continue to use the machine. Our goal is to use it every other day, if possible to ensure purified air in our home while I am going through cancer treatments.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Very capable ozone generator, good performance features. A+A+A+
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Works exceptionally well. Small, compact yet very affective. Will compete with the larger more expensive versions, guaranteed. Great for effectively removing cigarette and pet orders from your car, or home. Place smelly shoes in a closet for 15-30 minutes and see.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
All good. I started using it in the garage to remove any smells from the garage and the parked cars inside. Never had too strong smell there but it seems it does its job removing what was left of funky smells.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
simple operation, very practical. well constructed. owner's manual's english could be better, is awkward at times, give me a stipend and I'll rewrite it for you!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Be careful. Its ozone output is surprisingly strong. I took many deep breaths so I could hold my breath when I went into the room to shut it down early.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Item performed as described
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Exellent product. work great. recommended
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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