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I used this on my golden retrievers and it did the job. I'm very satisfied with how quickly it helped my girls, and they felt so much better right afterwards. According to my vet this is one of the best products on the market and will save a dog's life and huge vet bill. A must have in your doggie's healthcare regimen.
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I know I'm supposed to worm my dog... Never did it til now... Poured the packet in dog's food for three days... How would I know if it worked... Now I read I'm supposed to do this tx twice a year... How can I review a product that I have no idea if it even works... It's possible... But on my end... Who knows?
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If you read on other wormers for sale in the retail world, most all take care of the first three items. To get rid of Whipworms, you usually have to pay for a VET visit. This product not only takes care of them, but does so VERY well. I know because it is the only wormer I use.
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Worked well. Did the job as promised. Will purchase it again when needed. I do recommend this product for your best, furry friends! Just know that you need to know your dogs weight and buy the correct number of boxes, i.e...if your dog weighs 80 pounds you need to buy 2 boxes.
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I count on the reviews of Tim Carter mygermanshepherd. On his website he lists which meds. are safe and effective. This brand according to Tim is a safe med. I have been using a natural Dewormer I wanted to start my fir babies on a natural med first. Find out about dogs health, meds, feeding at the above website. lje
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Previous to using product my dog would constantly lick at his tail n rectum and turn to look at his behind when he would defecate. Used product as indicated and symptoms disappeared. No reappearance now after 3 months. Very happy with results
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being labled for a large dog it should have been a complete treatment as I expected, but it was only enogh for 1/2 and I had to buy a second box to complete the treatment, feel as though it should have contained a complete treatment for a large dog if that is what was advertised. my dog is 78 pounds.
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I had a cat ( she died a few hours ago ) who I thought had a tapeworm as she was losing weight and fur. She had one 4 years ago and after an $ 800 vet bill, it was solved with an over the counter tapeworm pill. These are capsules and are way too big for a cat. They did not help and I do not even know if they did her harm, as she stopped eating altogether after the 3rd dose and died today after not eating or drinking for 6 days.
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I’ve been using this dewormer for my pups and older dogs. It always clears the worms. The dogs doesn’t seem to mind the taste. 3 dose with meals and it’s done. My dog started looking better and more active within a week after taking.
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This is same basic formula I get at the vet for a lot more. If you can get an unexpired box here on ebay cheap it's great deal
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