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Performance is very good. 2 years after buying an i5 version I turned that machine into my daily driver with a 30" 4k monitor. Then I noticed that having more than 10 tabs open created lags. The i7 version, with double the RAM, solves all of that. Screen offers great detail and color, though it is glossy so more difficult to use with a lot of backlight. Square-ish aspect ratio (3:2) is better for productivity than the more rectangular designs. Keyboard is just perfect. Just enough travel, just enough clicky resistance, backlit, and nearly silent. Trackpad is also perfect - better than 2020 machines. Battery life is middling. Expect 6-7 hours. It charges quickly, though. Bluetooth is rough, as with many Google devices. Case design is fine - Silicone pads make it good on delicate surfaces, and they cushion the screen when you shut it. Sharp edges will wear out your backpack, so get a sleeve.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This has to be the sexiest piece of tech I have ever owned. Sleek, stylish, and solid. The display is beautiful, crisp and clear, and seems larger than I expected it would be. Starts up quickly, sets up easily, and (for me) is intuitive - my first Chromebook of any kind. It's no wonder every other Chromebook out there has to try to measure up to this one... try, and weep! I feel like I got a good deal on this. Pricey, yes, but in my opinion well worth it. I appreciate quality, and quality oozes from this at every point. If you decide to "pull the trigger" and purchase one of these beauties, I guarantee you will NOT be disappointed.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I really like the Pixel book. It’s comforting to know this is the best google can make. Web browsing is a really great experience and I often feel like I’m waiting on the web content to load instead of the computer which is a nice change from lower chrome books. Downsides are battery is not great, it attempts to compensate for a better cpu but it’s obvious it depletes quicker. This is acceptable because the web performance is so good. You need a $100 active pen to making writing or drawing on this worthwhile... and it’s not a great experience even then - ok for doodling, but not something you want to rely on to work well every time. Zoom performance is not reliable - not as unusable as lower powered chrome books - but it’s bad enough I now avoid ChromeOS entirely for this application. Tablet mode is neat when it works, but often you’ll be fumbling trying to get things to re-orient properly in tablet mode. I find the web experience so good and the touch screen convenient - great for reading in tablet mode where the keyboard flips to the back. I still highly recommend with expectations set accordingly. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I really like this Chromebook a lot. It feels like a quarter step from being almost unbeatable. It's a little heavy, the screen needs to be 13.3", and the items connected in a USB-C adapter briefly disconnect when plugging or unplugging a pass-through power supply to it. I also prefer darker keys because the back lighting of the keyboard can be tricky when in certain lighting. But there are dark and other alternate color keyboard covers available for this to remedy that. But overall, besides those factors, it is a super laptop with great feel. And a classy appearance to the device and it's OEM carrying case. And it's so nice that it is a 2 in 1 fold back form factor, now it is being supported up to 2026. If you don't mind the issues I shared here, you will love this device.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I hemmed and hawed for a year before deciding to take the plunge and get a Pixelbook to use at work. I shouldn't have fretted: it's a great piece of machinery. I did have a little bit of an issue where the device won't activate when I open the lid, but it happens so infreqently that I didn't mark it down much for that. I'd give 4.5 stars is I could. Disclosure: I work for Google, but do not speak for the company, nor do I work on the ChromeOS or hardware team.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Refurbished
This is an incredible piece of tech! Our family has Apple products and Windows laptops as well, but we definitely found a home for a Chromebook. It depends what your needs are (I prefer Windows products for work use, probably mainly out of familiarity), but we think the Chromebook is second to none for entertainment and leisure purposes! Google Play is the way to go!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
In great condition. Very happy with my purchase. I wanted a Chromebook that would allow me to do more while working from home. I needed the faster, better processor and more memory so I can share my virtual work screen while on a video conference call. On my old Chromebook it would crash or be so laggy as to be unusable. I also love the look of this Pixelbook over the new ones. Very slim and expensive looking.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Great laptop! This is my first Chromebook purchase, and I couldn't be happier. I'm a developer and was looking for a lightweight laptop that looks good for traveling. I really wanted a 2-1 so I could use it as a tablet and for games when I'm on the road as well. So far, this holds up great! I can do *almost* everything on it that I normally would: use linux (terminal is great), run my apps in Docker, and watch Netflix/etc. The only thing it can't really handle is screen sharing. If I try to use Zoom to share my screen, the laptop freezes up. I guess that's a bit too CPU intensive. But other than that, it's been awesome.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I seen it in use by OldVideoToDVDcom in a video convention show and was sold,a mouse pad & a touch screen in one package who need a dino mac anymore? (only complaint is not all android apps works on it)
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This is a great 2 in 1 Chrinebook that is extremely light, fast and attractive for a little laptop type thing.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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