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Eaton Nzmb2-A200 24 Months
+ $82.39 shipping
60 days returns. Seller pays for return shipping.
Send us a list of parts, always specifying: The manufacturer and the designation of the part; for example: Siemens 6ES5 466-3LA11 and the number of items required. The condition of a new part: the packaging was opened, intact / of a used part: functional, non-functional. The asking price. Or contact our sales representative who will visit you and, if necessary, will take photos of parts of or of the entire device, making a list of them, etc. Based on this information we will determine the purchase price and prepare an offer for you. Send us the parts list and always specify: Manufacturer and name of the part, e.g. Siemens 6ES5 466-3LA11, number of pieces. Condition - new part: packaging open, closed / used part: functional, not functional. Asking price. Or contact our sales represent.