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Good product for people in restrictive states. To me it felt not fair paying a similar price for 10 round mag, when 17 round mags are the identical price. But construction is the same and functions 100%. Live free or Live in Massachusetts. I would highly recommend this product.
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Fits my Glock 35 with a .40 cal to 9mm conversion barrel so I can use 9mm rounds. Though I prefer the 17 round mags, these mags work very well. The rounds didn't jam on me when i took them out and use them the first time I went to the range.
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You can buy cheaper, but you cannot buy better. These work all the time. I have a couple of cheap mags and they kind of work and are OK for the range, but I wouldn't trust them in a critical situation. The mags work every time.
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These will also fit the Ruger PC Carbine and the Glock model 35 with the drop in .9mm barrel conversion.
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These are much better than the all polymer type mags, especially when using a speed loader. I’m sure they’ll last a lot longer as there is metal lining inside
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great for the money
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Glock factory is the only way to go if you need extra magazines. Can’t put a price on reliability if and when you ever need it. Great product!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great product. Brand new. I never anticipated an issue. 👍
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
These are a great price and work great so far!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have has two range visits with ~500rds through these mags with zero issues.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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