Bought one of these over ten years ago; hung in the front picture- window. I LOVE IT! When the sun gets it powered up the crystal begins to turn and beautiful rainbows float about the house. It’s just a magical scene that never gets boring. Unfortunately, broke when we opened the window and a piece cracked off the back :( We still hang it though; a delicate balancing act! Decided to look for another on eBay. Although higher in price these days, still a fabulous concept and an item that will bring pleasure for many, many years!! LOVE IT!!!!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is a very clever gadget which adds a element of beauty from the outside to the inside.The solar panel activates when the sun shines , engageing a gear which slowly spins the crystal, thus creating magic. Gotta love it. Happy Camper
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I've had these continuously for about 10 years, now keeping at least one on deck for when they stop working. Wish the gears didn't fade color so much as it detracts from looks but not the flying prisms. great conversation starter.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Totally makes awesome rainbows all around the room. Not huge rainbows but they spin around all over! It really makes the place happy. Everyone should have a rainbow maker in their window. Worth the money.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
My friend gave me one of these solar rainbows years ago. Eventually, it broke and I was so sad. I'm thrilled to see those solar-powered rainbows in my room again! Thank you. One of my favorite things.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I had this same one years ago and it finally cracked from years in the sun. I haven't tried this yet as I got it for someone as a gift. Hopefully it will work the same. Beautiful rainbow colors across the room when the sun hits it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I love my rainbow maker and so does my cat. Had one years ago and when it tore up I never replaced it. Just had to have another one.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
These rainbowmakers truly do throw colorful rainbows around the room when appropriately placed on a window. I have them in almost every room in my home and they are always a conversation piece whenever we have overnight guests.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
They work like a charm. I'm replacing one that gave up the rainbow after 8 years.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I had and enjoyed one of these rainbow makers for about 15 years. It stopped running so I got a replacement.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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