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I've had all the main eink devices. Remarkable, Supernote, and Boox. This is superior for handwriting and note taking. It doesn't bother with all the extras that the others get bogged down with. It does handwritten notes amazingly and the A4 size is perfect for reading pdf in full size.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I like how easy it is to use . Electronic paper with no noise. Just reading. It is easy to hold and has clear screen . Writing does not lag .. it is as smooth as writing on a paper. Highly recommended for long hours reading.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I like the overall feel of the paper-like screen. It's suprisingly light overall yet battery life tends to run out at a rate of ~8% per hour with continuous drawing/reading. Doesn't get very warm though!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Amazing screen, easy to write and read, easy to use, lightweight. Fantastic! I use the Quaderno for all of my sheet music. Everything in one place :-)
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Great concept but not well thought out. It took me about a month of charging the device for it to turn back on. I rarely used it and the battery life doesn't last. I always made a point to charge it even when I'm not using it. I've had this device for about 9 months. It's not user friendly. It's a bit confusing. You can get used to it but I regret purchasing this device. There were other solutions for what I used it for. I saw a great add and jumped to find it. Some files load upside down. I saw bad reviews but they were overshadowed by just one great ad I saw. I also saw reviews of people. They hesitantly said that this device was a great device. I should have taken that as a hint. I guess they were paid to do the review so had to say something good about it. Great concept but the surprises weren't expected. Usage wasn't smooth. I should really give it no stars but maybe it will be a few star worthy soon. I don't recommend this product. I've had another product for about 8 years with no issues. Aside from being flimsy and looking extremely cheap but costing a lot, as long as I charged it, it worked just fine. I hope this can help someone decide on whether or not to buy a "Fujitsu QUADERNO A4 FMVDP41 13.3 type Flexible Electronic Paper 2nd Generation". Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I love this so much! Great for reviewing and marking up PDFS. Has improved my work flow and productivity.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I think this tablet is the best eink device on the market. I am sad to see it discontinued. In my opinion, it is better than kindle scribe, boox, and remarkable.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
great for notes and reading, writing experience is very nice and feels like paper
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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