1986-87 Fleer - #68 Karl Malone (RC)

+ $4.00 shipping
Estimated delivery Tue, Sep 10 - Thu, Sep 12
30 days returns. Seller pays for return shipping.
Graded - PSA 5
1986-87 Fleer #1 Kareem Abdul-...
1986-87 Fleer #3 Mark Aguirre ...
1986-87 Fleer #7 Charles Barkl... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS...
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS...
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS...
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS...
1986-87 Fleer #9 Larry Bird PS...
1986-87 Fleer #13 Sam Bowie RC...
1986-87 Fleer #14 Joe Barry Ca... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #15 Tom Chambers... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #15 Tom Chambers... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #15 Tom Chambers...
1986-87 Fleer #16 Maurice Chee... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #17 Michael Coop... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #17 Michael Coop... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #18 Wayne Cooper...
1986-87 Fleer #18 Wayne Cooper... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #19 Pat Cummings... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #20 Terry Cummin... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #21 Adrian Dantl... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #23 Walter Davis... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #25 Larry Drew R... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #26 Clyde Drexle...
1986-87 Fleer #26 Clyde Drexle...
1986-87 Fleer #27 Joe Dumars R...
1986-87 Fleer #29 James Edward...
1986-87 Fleer #30 Alex English... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #31 Julius Ervin...
1986-87 Fleer #32 Patrick Ewin...
1986-87 Fleer #32 Patrick Ewin... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #32 Patrick Ewin... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #32 Patrick Ewin... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #34 Sleepy Floyd... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #35 World B. Fre... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #35 World B. Fre...
1986-87 Fleer #36 George Gervi... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #36 George Gervi... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #37 Artis Gilmor... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #37 Artis Gilmor...
1986-87 Fleer #38 Mike Gminski... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #38 Mike Gminski... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #39 Rickey Green... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #40 Sidney Green... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #41 David Greenw...
1986-87 Fleer #42 Darrell Grif... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #44 Derek Harper... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #45 Gerald Hende... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #46 Roy Hinson P... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #46 Roy Hinson P...
1986-87 Fleer #47 Craig Hodges... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #47 Craig Hodges...
1986-87 Fleer #48 Phil Hubbard... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #48 Phil Hubbard... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #49 Jay Humphrie... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #49 Jay Humphrie...
1986-87 Fleer #50 Dennis Johns... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #51 Eddie Johnso... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #51 Eddie Johnso... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #52 Frank Johnso...
1986-87 Fleer #53 Magic Johnso... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #53 Magic Johnso...
1986-87 Fleer #54 Marques John... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #56 Vinnie Johns...
1986-87 Fleer #56 Vinnie Johns... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #58 Clark Kellog... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #59 Albert King ... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #60 Bernard King... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #61 Bill Laimbee... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #62 Allen Leavel... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #64 Alton Lister... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #65 Lewis Lloyd ...
1986-87 Fleer #66 Maurice Luca... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #67 Jeff Malone ...
1986-87 Fleer #68 Karl Malone ...
1986-87 Fleer #68 Karl Malone ...
1986-87 Fleer #68 Karl Malone ...
1986-87 Fleer #69 Moses Malone...
1986-87 Fleer #70 Cedric Maxwe... (Out of stock)
1986-87 Fleer #71 Rodney McCra...
1986-87 Fleer #72 Xavier McDan... (Out of stock)
The cards you are looking at are 1986-87 #1-72 Fleer Basketball. Three Stars Sportscards.