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I have owned multiple windows computers, Sony, HP, And currently have an Apple MacBook Pro. I needed something that I could keep outside my house, and never have to bring inside (COVID-19). So I wanted an inexpensive, fast and practical laptop. This Acer google chrome book its amazing, lighting fast. I use it for checking email, editing documents offline, some YouTube, and have no complaints. Battery life it’s great, I used it for about 3 day, and still had a 1/3 of battery left. Acer, Where have You been all my life?
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Battery life is tremendous. This is comparison to my previous tablet Microsoft Surface Pro 3 which would last approximately 4 hours before having to plug it in. This chromebook seems to be able to last anywhere from 8-12 hours without having to look for the charger ;) Very lightweight. I highly recommend this product to anyone who is looking for a mobile & lightweight device. Great for typing documents, writing videos, using spreadsheets, shopping , etc. Slightly slower processing with websites with a lot of content but that's expected. Purchased this device for $100 and well worth the price at least for what i'm utilizing it for now. Which is google docs, browsing the internet, and occasional work that's all handled seamlessly through the cloud.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I owned a 15.6 inch Chromebook some years ago and loved it. This little Chromebook is just what I needed in a more compact size for writing my book in Google Docs, surfing the internet, etc. and all without worrying about constant intrusive updates. It's light, the keys are easy to press and it sits perfectly on my lap and lapdesk. Thank you AcerStore!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Refurbished
This machine is sleek and lightweight. I love how when I place it on my lap I don't feel the discomfort I usually feel from heavy notebooks. A plus also on its fast start-up and long-lasting battery.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
computer was easy to get started i love my christams gift :)
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I got this so I could carry it around with me and not worry too much about it getting stolen or breaking it. And so far it's fit the bill. I have even installed Linux on it (via crouton) so I can tinker around with that OS!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
This Chromebook was a Christmas gift for one of our many granddaughters. It is just what she wanted so badly. Gave it to her early. She has been using it for nearly 2 weeks and loves everything about it. Schoolwork, movies, email, etc. The stuff that young teens like. She is happy and so are we. Good price, quick delivery, great packaging. Very pleased all around.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This makes for a great traveling workstation for light work. Not suitable for computationally intense operations. Someone's sluggish just browsing with more than 5 tabs.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I got my daughter the acer chromebook and she loves it! It was shipped out promptly and delivered way before the expected delivery date. Its lightweight, compact, does everything she could ask for and the price is great. I am even thinking of getting one for myself.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Perfect condition on arrival and runs exactly how I wanted it to. Love it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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