Pretty much just as box states. Once you get pass the programming and get it up and running it works well. Be sure to have everything in place "after" reading instructions. If your not ready with numbers and people that will be programmed into the unit your wasting your time. You will need to have them on the line during part of the process but once programmed it works as intended and well may I add and all without the extra monitoring fees. You can also add options and feature which makes the unit a good starting point. Remember this unit is for use around the home and works best for those that are less mobile. It will not work once out of range, so be sure to an idea of your coverage area from the base and the outermost point the person/user may go when outside the home.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The device was slightly complex to program, but by reading the owner's manual carefully and following the instructions precisely there were no problems for my setup. The device is very easy for my elderly mother to use (we programmed 3 "friends" numbers) and tested them afterwards with no problems. The options are easy to use and very logically sequenced. The previous Philips Lifeline system we had been using was becoming unusable, due to my mother's loss of hearing and dementia which prevented her to know how to respond to the live contact that called her home. There were too many accidental "false alarm pushes" and summoning of the ambulance to tolerate. My mother was becoming very frustrated with that device. And worst of all, it was costing her $40+ per month to keep the account active. No more. The LogicMark system was a one-time expense ($150) and there are no additional charges.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I setup the unit for my 89 year old mother-in-law as of yesterday she hadn't used it. It did take some practice to program, which wasn't difficult. As of now we have it set for family & friends only. From the other unit that I had purchased & returned because I didn't think it would serve the purpose, mainly because of not having communication at her finger tips. I had checked out the units that have monthly fee, most said that having remote communications, the communicator needs to be charged daily. This unit is great that it has a fully charged battery ready & easy to install at all times. I believe it has great features compared even to the "monitored units" which have a monthly fee.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Works well but make sure the cap is on very tight other wise water from the shower will cause it to stop working. ThT why I bought this one to replace the one my elderly father was using. I also wrapped the threads under the cap with Teflon tape and brought a wall unit for the shower
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
We love this because it comes with no monthly fee! And it works perfectly! My mom is 91 and is homebound. The only time she's away from home is when we take her out. So, when she's home and she needs us, she just pushes the button. We've programmed ours to call my cell phone. So in just a minute, she and I are talking through her fob. The "brain" is about 50 feet and several rooms away from her bedroom, but the fob never has trouble connecting with the dialing unit. You can program several numbers into the unit so that if the first number doesn't answer, the unit calls the second number, third number, etc. You must have a landline for this to work. It uses the landline to make its calls.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
My father recently passed away and my mother is living alone. My brother and I wanted to get her an emergency pendant and she refused the idea, but we where not comfortable about that. So my husband and I researched until we found the New Freedom Alert Emergency Pendant. So my brother and I bought it for her anyway, gave it to her last month. It is easy for her to work and the day after she had it, she almost had to use it, she got stuck on the deck and could not get the door open to get back into the house. She started to panic and then remembered she had the new freedom alter button, it calmed her down knowing that she would be calling me and not the Paramedic's. She got the door open and did not have to use it. So now she love the idea and happy to have it in her pocket. She also love that it doesn't have any monthly fee's, it call me first, they my husband, if we don't answer her call, then it call goes to the Paramedic's. She is so happy to have the New Freedom alert she carries ii around with her all the time, and now me and my brother can sleep better knowing she is just a push button away from us if she needs us. Thank you New Freedom Alert!Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Thank God I had this emergency alert because my mother fell and she wasn't able to get to the phone, if it wasn't for this Freedom alert she would be laying on the floor for hours.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I knew the product was good as I was looking to replace the fob from my mother's older version, which had stopped working. This item is actually an upgrade from the one we have and well worth the money.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is my second Freedom Alter, and this emergency system has saved my life on more than one occasion. I wear mine 24/7 my wrist and I find that works best for me. I wish it had a wider alert range, but it serves me well in my home.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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