I needed an FM band reject filter for making spurious and harmonic spectrum analyzer measurements for a broadcast transmitter in the FM band and this filter does just that. The attenuation from 88 to 108 MHz is more than 50 dB as measured on my network analyzer (53.4 dB at 88 MHz and 56.4 dB at 108 MHz). If you were to use this filter with an aircraft band radio receiver, it will attenuate the lower part of the band (118 to 124) to some degree, so that it may not be useful for that application. It would have been nice if the top end of the reject response were a little lower in the FM band. The filter appears to be a very well built device mounted inside of a metal box with female SMA connectors. Also supplied is a double male SMA adapter, and the price, as delivered, is quite reasonable. This is a really good item, if you need it.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
It is useful for RTL-SDR dongle. It helps listening VHF, UHF and airband with RTL-SDR. It is reducing effect of FM broadcast stations on VHF, UHF and airband. You can see screen shots of SDRsharp with and without filter. I can hear airband as same as my professional receiver after put it between antenna and my RTL-SDR dongle. Thank you producer. You can also use it as a frame of your custom filter design. Remove SMD components and put your own on it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Using the Airspy R2 near a FM-radio broadcast antenna, I had lots of interference from FM-radio signals. The CB-band had large spikes all over it. The airband had large spikes all over it. On many different places, across the entire receivable spectrum, the FM-spikes would show. The FM-filter is very efficient and has opened up the bands that were previously closed. It begins a slow fade from full-pass at 80 MHz to max-stop at 84 MHz. Continues max-stop to 114 MHz and is back up to full-pass at 118 MHz. So max-stop is between 84-114 MHz, although the filter has a dampening effect from 80-118 MHz. It has no ill-effects on the reception of airband-communication (But the nav-part of the airband is obviously affected (But no talk is at that band, so that shouldn't matter to many) The only thing I missed on the box, was a clear indication of which input to hook up to the antenna and which input to hook up to the SDR (in and out markers or a tiny flow-diagram or some other kind of indication of what is input and output) (Turns out the FM-filter has a left-to-right orientation (Going in the direction from antenna to computer), relative to the printed text on the top of the black box, where the AirspyR2 has a right-to-left orientation relative to its printed box-text.) Works great :) JELRead full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
It did do the job I wanted..., its very strange because all the high power FM stations are over 5 miles away, BUT I have a lot of receiver overload around the VHF bands like 2 meter ham, I have had this problem with several different SDR receivers and just plan scanners radios, when connected to outside antennas. total de-sense , swamping front end, by the FM broadcasters this little filter took care of the problems,
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have used this with two of my receivers and this filter works fine with both of them. The other one had strong FM band signals on 70 Mhz and the other one above 180 Mhz and now all FM band ghost signals are gone. Still leaves real signals left. Good cabinet.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is a nice filter. It provides enough rejection to keep a FM broadcast station (2 miles) from causing spurious products and interference in my software defined radio. I have brought two (2) of the filters. They work well.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I bought this because I determined that FM broadcast interference was making it appear as though my scanner had failed. It improved reception so well it was like having a new scanner and outside antenna. If the signal strength indicator on your scanner stays near the top but you hear nothing you may need one of these, not a new scanner or antenna.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The filter does a great job of suppressing FM stations on the aircraft band.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
FM filter work from 88 to 108 MHz, needed especialy to use in the urban environment where power FM station around your location. Some photo with dimention and screenshots for understanding how its work. I make screenshots at 106.3 station and you can see the difference.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The filter has acomplished its mission. I can block the interference made by the local FM broadcast stations over my Baofeng radio.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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