These stockpages are less expensive than the more well-known brands such as Vario or Lighthouse, and made from lighter-weight plastic. They are, therefore, a bit flimsy in comparison. They are still quite serviceable if you don't overfill them, and probably a bit lighter to mail if you're setting up collections in them to scan and send to people as eBay lots. If you're getting them for your own long-term storage, I would spend a bit more on the "standard" brands. If they are for temporary storage, or you go through a lot of them (they are essentially a shipping supply to me) these are useful.
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The other products are of good quality and because of this, it is thicker and heavier. This product is thinner and less heavy, thus cutting down on the weight. And being two sides, you can store more stamps and at the same time, your collection won't be that bulky and that much heavier than those of the more expensive brand. And that brings you the cost. It is a very good value as compared to the other brands that are on the market today. Only time will tell of how well this product will hold out in the years to come.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I use these as album pages. I have found Anchor stock pages to be a fine quality product. They are lighter, more flexible, have a slightly larger window and are less expensive than the brand I used to purchase. Most important to me is that over time, these pages have not yellowed or become brittle like the others. I have been well pleased with the performance of Anchor pages and will continue to use them, at least until they are no longer available.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
I have been using the LH pages made in Germany for years and have been happy with them. The Anchor pages were a lot less expensive so I thought I would give them a try. The quality is the same as the German pages and they are punched to fit the same binders. I use three hole binders for my stock pages, the German pages require re-punching to work well in standard D-ring binders, the Anchor pages have holes large enough to move freely. I won't be going back to the other pages as long as these pages are available.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Very nice display pages. Able to see the whole stamp and also has a back side with same pockets. A little flimsy but you can put inside a clear sheet to further protect the stamps. Will be ordering other pocket pages with less pockets for the bigger stamps.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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