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1971 Topps - Nolan Ryan watching the Play #355 Nolan Ryan, Bud Harrelson
+ $1.75 shipping
Est. delivery Tue, Jan 21 - Fri, Jan 24Estimated delivery Tue, Jan 21 - Fri, Jan 24
30 days returns. Buyer pays for return shipping.
Ungraded - Very goodUngraded - Very good
#258 Dick Green A's VG-EX ...
#259 Dave Marshall Mets VG-E...
#260 Tommy Harper Brewers VG...
#261 Darold Knowles Senators ... (Out of stock)
#262 Padres Rookies VG-EX ...
#263 John Ellis Yankees VG-E...
#265 Jim Northrup Tigers VG-... (Out of stock)
#266 Bill Stoneman Expos VG-...
#267 Rich Morales White Sox ...
#268 Phillies Team VG-EX ...
#269 Gail Hopkins Royals VG-...
#270 Rico Carty Braves VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#271 Bill Zepp Twins VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#272 Tommy Helms Reds VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#273 Pete Richert Orioles VG...
#274 Ron Slocum Padres VG-EX...
#275 Vada Pinson Indians VG-E... (Out of stock)
#277 Gary Waslewski Yankees ...
#278 Jerry Grote Mets VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#279 Lefty Phillips Angels V...
#281 Danny Walton Brewers VG...
#283 Dick Such Senators VG-EX...
#284 Jim Gosger Expos VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#285 Sal Bando A's VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#286 Jerry McNertney Cardinal... (Out of stock)
#287 Mike Fiore Red Sox VG-E...
#288 Joe Moeller Dodgers VG-...
#289 White Sox Team VG-EX ...
#291 George Culver Astros VG... (Out of stock)
#292 Jay Johnstone White Sox ...
#293 Pat Corrales Reds VG-EX...
#294 Steve Dunning Indians VG...
#296 Tom Timmermann Tigers V...
#297 Johnny Briggs Phillies ...
#298 Jim Nelson Pirates VG-E...
#299 Ed Kirkpatrick Royals V...
#301 Earl Wilson Padres VG-E... (Out of stock)
#302 Phil Gagliano Red Sox V... (Out of stock)
#303 Lindy McDaniel Yankees ...
#304 Ron Brand Expos VG-EX ...
#309 Dick Ellsworth Brewers ... (Out of stock)
#310 Tommie Agee Mets VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#311 Lee Stange White Sox VG...
#312 Harry Walker Astros VG-... (Out of stock)
#313 Tom Hall Twins VG-EX ...
#314 Jeff Torborg Dodgers VG...
#315 Ron Fairly Expos VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#316 Fred Scherman Tigers VG...
#317 A's Rookies VG-EX *dd2 (Out of stock)
#318 Rudy May Angels VG-EX ...
#319 Ty Cline Reds VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#320 Dave McNally Orioles VG... (Out of stock)
#321 Tom Matchick Royals VG-...
#322 Jim Beauchamp Cardinals ...
#323 Billy Champion Phillies ...
#326 Richie Scheinblum Senator...
#328 World Series Game 2 VG-E...
#330 World Series Game 4 VG-E...
#333 Clay Kirby Padres VG-EX...
#334 Roberto Pena Brewers VG...
#337 Jesus Alou Astros VG-EX...
#338 Gene Tenace A's VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#339 Wayne Simpson Reds VG-E...
#340 Rico Petrocelli Red Sox ...
#342 Frank Tepedino Yankees ...
#344 Ellie Rodriguez Royals ...
#345 Joe Horlen White Sox VG...
#346 Lum Harris Braves VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#347 Ted Uhlaender Indians VG... (Out of stock)
#348 Fred Norman Cardinals V...
#349 Rich Reese Twins VG-EX ...
#351 Jim Shellenback Senators ...
#352 Denny Doyle Phillies VG...
#353 Carl Taylor Brewers VG-...
#354 Don McMahon Giants VG-E...
#355 Bud Harrelson Mets VG-E...
#356 Bob Locker A's VG-EX ...
#357 Reds Team Reds VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#358 Danny Cater Yankees VG-... (Out of stock)
#359 Ron Reed Braves VG-EX ...
#360 Jim Fregosi Angels VG-E... (Out of stock)
#362 Orioles Rookies VG-EX ...
#363 Mike Nagy Red Sox VG-EX...
#364 Tommy Dean Padres VG-EX...
#365 Bob Johnson Pirates VG-... (Out of stock)
#366 Ron Stone Phillies VG-E...
#367 Dalton Jones Tigers VG-...
#368 Bob Veale Pirates VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#369 Checklist 394-523 VG-EX ...
#371 Jack Hiatt Astros VG-EX...
#372 Lew Krausse Brewers VG-...
#373 Tom McCraw White Sox VG...
#374 Clete Boyer Braves VG-E...
#375 Steve Hargan Indians VG-...
#376 Expos Rookies VG-EX *dd2
#377 Greg Garrett Reds VG-EX...
#378 Tito Fuentes Giants VG-...
#379 Wayne Granger Reds VG-E...
#381 Fred Gladding Astros VG...
#382 Jake Gibbs Yankees VG-E... (Out of stock)
#383 Rod Gaspar Padres VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#386 Red Sox Team Red Sox VG... (Out of stock)
#387 Ron Herbel Braves VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#389 Ed Brinkman Tigers VG-E...
#390 Glenn Beckert Cubs VG-E...
#391 Twins Rookies VG-EX *dd2
#392 Grant Jackson Orioles V...
#393 Merv Rettenmund Orioles ...
#394 Clay Carroll Reds VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#395 Roy White Yankees VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#396 Dick Schofield Cardinals... (Out of stock)
#397 Alvin Dark Indians VG-EX...
#398 Howie Reed Expos VG-EX ...
#399 Jim French Senators VG-E...
#401 Tom Murphy Angels VG-EX...
#403 Joe Coleman Tigers VG-E...
#404 Astros Rookies VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#405 Leo Cardenas Twins VG-E... (Out of stock)
#406 Ray Sadecki Mets VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#407 Joe Rudi A's VG-EX *dd2
#408 Rafael Robles Padres VG... (Out of stock)
#409 Don Pavletich Red Sox V...
#411 George Spriggs Royals V... (Out of stock)
#412 Jerry Johnson Giants VG... (Out of stock)
#413 Pat Kelly White Sox VG-... (Out of stock)
#414 Woodie Fryman Phillies ...
#415 Mike Hegan Brewers VG-E...
#416 Gene Alley Pirates VG-E... (Out of stock)
#417 Dick Hall Orioles VG-EX...
#418 Adolfo Phillips Expos V... (Out of stock)
#419 Ron Hansen Yankees VG-E... (Out of stock)
#420 Jim Merritt Reds VG-EX ...
#421 John Stephenson Angels ...
#422 Frank Bertaina Cardinals... (Out of stock)
#423 Tigers Rookies VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#424 Roberto Rodriguez Cubs ...
#425 Doug Rader Astros VG-EX...
#426 Chris Cannizzaro Padres ... (Out of stock)
#427 Bernie Allen Senators VG... (Out of stock)
#428 Jim McAndrew Mets VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#429 Chuck Hinton Indians VG-...
#430 Wes Parker Dodgers VG-E...
#431 Tom Burgmeier Royals VG...
#432 Bob Didier Braves VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#433 Skip Lockwood Brewers V... (Out of stock)
#434 Gary Sutherland Expos V... (Out of stock)
#435 Jose Cardenal Cardinals ... (Out of stock)
#436 Wilbur Wood White Sox V...
#437 Danny Murtaugh Pirates ... (Out of stock)
#438 Mike McCormick Yankees ... (Out of stock)
#442 Angels Team VG-EX *dd2 (Out of stock)
#443 Rich Robertson Giants V... (Out of stock)
#444 Jimmie Price Tigers VG-...
#445 Art Shamsky Mets VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#446 Bobby Bolin Red Sox VG-...
#447 Cesar Geronimo Astros V... (Out of stock)
#448 Dave Roberts Padres VG-...
#449 Brant Alyea Twins VG-EX...
#451 Joe Keough Royals VG-EX...
#453 Terry Crowley Orioles V...
#454 Mike Paul Indians VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#456 Bob Meyer Brewers VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#457 Willie Smith Reds VG-EX...
#458 White Sox Rookies VG-EX ...
#459 Jim Lefebvre Dodgers VG... (Out of stock)
#460 Fritz Peterson Yankees ...
#461 Jim Hart Giants VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#462 Senators Team VG-EX ...
#463 Tom Kelley Braves VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#464 Aurelio Rodriguez Tigers...
#466 Ken Berry Angels VG-EX ...
#467 Al Santorini Padres VG-...
#468 Frank Fernandez A's VG-...
#469 Bob Aspromonte Mets VG-... (Out of stock)
#470 Bob Oliver Royals VG-EX...
#471 Tom Griffin Astros VG-E...
#472 Ken Rudolph Cubs VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#473 Gary Wagner Red Sox VG-... (Out of stock)
#474 Jim Fairey Expos VG-EX ...
#475 Ron Perranoski Twins VG...
#476 Dal Maxvill Cardinals V... (Out of stock)
#478 Bernie Carbo Reds VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#479 Dennis Higgins Indians V...
#481 Daryl Patterson Tigers ...
#482 Padres Team Padres VG-E...
#483 Gene Michael Yankees VG...
#484 Don Wilson Astros VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#485 Ken McMullen Angels VG-... (Out of stock)
#486 Steve Huntz Giants VG-E... (Out of stock)
#487 Paul Schaal Royals VG-E... (Out of stock)
#488 Jerry Stephenson Dodgers...
#489 Luis Alvarado White Sox ... (Out of stock)
#490 Deron Johnson Phillies ...
#491 Jim Hardin Orioles VG-E...
#492 Ken Boswell Mets VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#493 Dave May Brewers VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#494 Braves Rookies VG-EX ...
#495 Felipe Alou A's VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#496 Woody Woodward Reds VG-... (Out of stock)
#497 Horacio Pina Senators VG...
#498 John Kennedy Red Sox VG...
#500 Jim Perry Twins VG-EX ...
#501 Andy Etchebarren Orioles...
#503 Gates Brown Tigers VG-E... (Out of stock)
#504 Ken Wright Royals VG-EX...
#505 Ollie Brown Padres VG-E... (Out of stock)
#506 Bobby Knoop White Sox V...
#507 George Stone Braves VG-... (Out of stock)
#508 Roger Repoz Angels VG-E... (Out of stock)
#509 Jim Grant Pirates VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#510 Ken Harrelson Indians VG... (Out of stock)
#511 Chris Short Phillies VG... (Out of stock)
#512 Red Sox Rookies VG-EX ...
#514 Ron Woods Yankees VG-EX... (Out of stock)
#515 Carl Morton Expos VG-EX...
#516 Ted Kubiak Brewers VG-E... (Out of stock)
#517 Charlie Fox Giants VG-E...
#518 Joe Grzenda Senators VG-... (Out of stock)
#519 Willie Crawford Dodgers ... (Out of stock)
#521 Leron Lee Cardinals VG-...
#522 Twins Team Twins VG-EX ... (Out of stock)
#523 John Odom A's VG-EX ...
#578 Ron Hunt Expos VG-EX ...
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(Sort of creasing should be expected on any card listed as VG-EX+ or below ), but not specifically. card's back,stains, card size, and/or centering concerns pictured in the scans. add-on order. This grade does not.
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