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won it in a action without hard drive and charger cable..but the rest of the parts were easy to get from ebay...worth every penny..she works like a charm and fast too...
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I've had several of the CF-74 Toughbooks and they have rarely failed me. When purchased through EBay if they ship to me in good shape they're good to go. Install a SSD and max out the RAM and you won't be disappointed. Windows 10 works well with it.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Really nice little machine and with a SSD in it and a light Linux load quite usable!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
I love these! :'+)
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
It is worth the money, it only cost me 100 to make it operational
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Ноутбук в прекрасном состоянии. Не могу найти драйвер для WiFi, но это меня не огорчает.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
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