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1) Size; She's a big 'un, no doubt! If you have large hands like I do, one sees 'one-size-fits-all' finger holes and cringes. No cringe here! Most will be able to wear gloves and use the knife. So, I am impressed with the finger hole! (Those with small to middlin' hands might find themselves 'swimming' in knife... but that is my imagination, you'd have to read a review from someone with smaller hands) Also, I understand that the karambits also regularly come with small to tiny blades that remain unseen until your usually unarmed victim sees his insides outside. As I have no need for unethicality, the larger, gut wrenching intimidating blade of this knife is, already, a marvelous defence (should you require defense from the knife)! 2) Design; She's beautiful! Sinuous curves, a complete double edge that makes it into an efficient hand axe for certain strokes; an unavailable necessary feature on the single edge models, in my opinion. It just flows around my fist in a cloud! Great design, artistic! BUT... My one 'complaint' is that the finger ring, although chamfered on the inside, remains quite sharp on the outside, causing irritation and damage when the item is 'transitioned/spun'. As such 'spinning' is foolish, and worse, in an actual 'combat' situation, and is more for the ego and cheap thrills of the 'practitioner', I cannot really complain about it, but if the design reached perfection, those of us who are armchair warriors, a'spinnin' our kerambits, an outside chamfer would be appreciated, and still not decrease function. I know how easy it would be to file the sharp edge, and I might, but that would leave a bright double silver shiny rings around the beautifully greyed blade! Perhaps it will visually reflect the polished edge? Speaking of the polished edge, both Schrade karambits were, out of the box, dull! I could barely saw it through cardboard, none of the 4 edges were sharper than the torn edge of an aluminum can! That was a daunting revelation, considering the four dull edges sitting there mocking me! And they are all quite curved, generally a pain to really sharpen well, as Schrade seems to know and accept. That is too bad as an 'ethical' and quality company would make sure their employees can sharpen a blade that will not reflect poorly on the company. Eventually, I used a round, pen-like, diamond sintered pocket sharpener and rubbed each edge like Aladdin!! After about an hour, on both, they will, each edge, slice thin paper nicely! NOW I have a knife(s)! All things considered, it didn't take much at all to bring this low priced knife up to high standards! In the past, Schrade sharpness and edge retention bothered me, but why should I care about edge retention in a karambit, right? What am I ever going to cut, with these martial sickles, myself while a'spinnin'? My 'armchair'? *__- Visually, the beauty of the design, and size, sold me... I bought the second Mc'Nasty after I had received the first, which aught to tell you something, right there. 3) Sheath; Much has been said of the sheath (no rattling to speak of), but I have had no problems with wearing them just behind my hips, through my belt, out of sight, out of mind, ready and available for instant access. Returning them to the sheaths with your eyes closed, which is what it would require takes some practice. Glad that I can still turn my neck! *__- Some have whined at the tightness of the retention bumps but I find that they 'ease' with a bit of use, if they ever were tight. They can also be filed a bit for ease of exit, but they will relax on you, so, beware rash adjustments. I'm still waiting to see how far they 'relax', but I had to shake it fairly strongly from the ring for the sheath to fly off. But it was new... So, time will tell there. Okay, you asked for a review, and I just took enough time with this, you're welcome, to have earned a free kerambit.... *__- Perhaps my babbling has been of some help, Peace and Love Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The ring is about the right size for my hands. Spins freely on my trigger finger. The ring will be perfect for a buddy of mine who has BIG hands. The knife is solid. It is thick enough to be considered REAL. It can be sharpened to your personal liking, but mine came sharp enough for serious business out of the box. If you think you will be attacked by individual sheets of paper, well that is a different matter. The handle/grip area is very short. My hand measures 3 1/2 inches across the palm from the base of the little finger to the base of the first finger, inclusive. If I hold this knife in a blade up position (blade on the same side as my thumb and first finger, little finger in the hole) like a claw or talon, it is a tight fit for my hand, but OK. If I switch it over to where my first finger is in the hole, part of my palm rests on the false edge of the blade. Scary. There is something about the curve of the blade that just doesn't set well with my sense of aesthetics. The curve is just not graceful. Too tight. Like a 90 degree turn instead of a balanced curve. The scabbard is nearly useless. Its only use would seem to be as a storage device to keep you from poking yourself on the blade when reaching into a drawer or some such. Attaching it to a belt with the one loop provided would just be silly. Better to draw the knife and scabbard as a unit, and then try to fight it out of the scabbard with both hands. Yuck. Again, the blade is substantial enough for some sort of real use, but just about everything else on this knife leaves me cold.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Looking for practical function and not flawless perfection in blade-making, I find myself satisfied with my purchase. This is larger than most karambit-styled knives, with a smaller handle than most, that sports a larger-than-normal retention ring. Even that serves a good purpose for its design and intended use. It also has no guard for the hand or fingers, so proficiency is required to use safely. I read every review available online, more than once, both from eBay and Amazon and every other place that sold this particular knife model, so I knew as much as I could about what I was in for when I purchased it. For what it is designed to do, it's near perfect. Bear in mind: This is not a custom knife, so the grind lines are showing, and not perfectly symmetrical, but it does what it is designed to do. As stated in other reviews, the sheath retention leaves a lot to be desired, as a straight pull on the knife handle will not remove the knife from its protective sheath. I'm not sure if it's a particular technique required to remove this item safely, or if modification of the sheath retention pegs is needed. But I wasn't rating the sheath, just the knife itself. Many knives of various manufacturers are sold with inadequate sheaths, but aftermarket sheaths can be fabricated. The knife is certainly secure in its sheath; the trouble is in removal, and that safely. Even still, I would not hesitate to buy another. I would also heartily recommend anyone who considers purchasing this product to also purchase instruction on how to use the item! This particular blade style, with its size and double-edged blade, can easily injure the wielder without proficiency in its use. This style of knife is certainly not for everyone, but for someone who really wants a useful Karambit, this is a fine piece of work for its price point.Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is a very nice knife and well built. There are two issues I have with it though. First, the handle is way too short and there are not guards to protect your fingers. Because of that I received a pretty good cut on my finger, twice, on day one. NEVER USE IT WITHOUT WEARING A PAIR OF GLOVES FOR PROTECTION. Second, and far less of an issue. The blade is a bit too much of a curve to it. Makes it slightly awkward to slash with.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
Don't buy it, you people don't deserve owning this knife, I want to be alone in having it. Seriously now, awesome, it's a good fit for me but the handle could have had 1cm more and it would have been a good fit to much more people. Came sharp on both edges. The sheath is good and functional for this weird blade shape, when placed on a belt on the dominant hand side and pulled a bit towards the back it deploys great. Just put some tape on that cancer inducing stuff the handle is made of. Blade shape is amazing, you could just do boxing moves and be a complete idiot and still down a few by accident. The design of this thing is very thought out and again for me it's a perfect fit. I put some tape over the handle to make it fatter and cover up that cancer inducing rubber, filed just a bit some of the spots where I though there were too sharp edges for a smooth feel and that's it, I think it's perfect now. The big hole is better than a small one because you feel impact less on hard hits but it makes it be worse than a normal design for extended grip moves. You can still use extended grip to cut with force but on the extension it wobbles because of the big hole. I love this thingRead full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
the only bad thing - and it is CRITICAL - is the size of that hole! Who on Earth has a thumb or finger THAT BIG? Due to the size of the hole size, the blade becomes unstable and wobbles when you try to flip it, which is very dangerous. I can sharpen the blade, and I am planning to have the hole welded closed and then machined to fit my thumb plus .075 over.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
While this is a nice knife, it does have a couple of problems. First, it isn't very sharp. I have butter knives that are sharper. Second, the sheath is very poorly designed. This is a big knife and the sheath is designed to be a neck sheath. I doubt anyone is going to hang this big and heavy knife around their neck. This being said, this knife has but one use and that is to maim or kill. It is not a hunting knife or a skinning knife. It is designed to protect or attack. It does have a nice weight. Though the finger hole is a bit large, though I don't see that it affects the use of the knife. I don't have a problem with the knife being unbalanced when I use it. I do like that the blade has been sharpened on both sides. This makes it so you can do damage attacking and withdrawing. A person skilled with a knife can do double the damage. A person with small hands may have a problem handling this knife. I have large hands and it fits comfortably in my hands. I do wish it had a guard to stop your fingers from sliding onto the blade. As I mentioned earlier about the sheath, it is plastic. It has nothing so you can attach it to a belt or elsewhere. The sheath clips around the knife. This makes it difficult to draw the knife and if you are not careful it will cut you. The sheath seems to be designed to hang around ones neck. I see this as a flaw in the design since the knife is large and the sheath makes it too hard to draw the knife in an emergency. I would have a new sheath made that allows this knife to be drawn quickly. Read full review
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This knife is a work horse of a blade! No silvery stainless steel here! I can see it being used in combat behind enemy lines. This is the type of weapon that James Bond would use! I highly recommend this knife provided that Your area aren’t a bunch of sissy’s and have outlawed it!
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
The knife is large and sharp with a wicked curve. I like the handle and the size. It cuts well on flesh. It is not a general purpose bush/survival knife . This is a one purpose design meant for clawing or disabling your prey. The only downside is the sheath. You will have to modify the opening on the plastic holder to allow removal of the knife. There are two small "bumps" that keep the blade from being deployed quickly. Returning the knife to the sheath is also tricky do to the curve of the blade. I am having a leather sheath made for this piece. Still in all, it is a one of a kind karambit.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
This is a great knife and a good example of the karambit. The double edge is as usual out of the box razor sharp. The only reason I'm not giving this 5 stars is the sheath. Schrade really has trouble in this area. It's loose and the draw is stiff and awkward. Putting the blade back is worse, plus if you carry it on a belt using the single belt slot,chances are that you will slice your own belt.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: New
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