Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Contemporary Manufacture
Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Save on Contemporary Manufacture
This is a beautiful, highly-detailed model, but with detail comes fragile parts. Even with good packaging, you may have to re-attached stuff. Also, Danbury originally issued this car with narrow, incorrect whitewalls. The later issue has the correct wide whites - get that one. If you have the former, there are YouTube tutorials on removing the whitewalls, repainting them and reinstalling. Danbury has always been a notch above Franklin Mint and this model illustrates that fact. Sadly, both companies are out of the diecast business other than selling cars made by other vendors.
Verified purchase: No
I am very pleased with this model. It has been very well cared for. In fact, it is brand new. I have wanted this model ever since it first came out. Thank you so much.
Verified purchase: Yes | Condition: Pre-owned
Simply, one of Danbury's finest. Much detail abounds to include suicide doors, opening cowls, adjustable trunk rack and so much more!! Many little chrome pieces keeps your eyes wondering. A List car.
Verified purchase: No