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HORROR / SCARY / HALLOWEEN Movies - Many options to choose - READ DESCRIPTION!

US $9.99
Brand New
01. Halloween - DVD (Out of stock)
02. Halloween - 4K+Bluray+Digital (Out of stock)
03. The Addams Family - DVD
04. The Addams Family - Bluray+DVD+Digital (Out of stock)
05. The Addams Family 2 Film - DVD (Out of stock)
06. Tim Burtons Corpse Bride - DVD
07. The Shining - Bluray+Slipcover
08. The Shining - DVD+Slipcover (Out of stock)
09. The Shining - DVD (Out of stock)
10. Gretel & Hansel - DVD+Slipcover (Out of stock)
11. Gretel & Hansel - DVD+Digital
12. Gretel & Hansel - Bluray+Digital+Slipcover
13. Gretel & Hansel - Bluray+Digital+Slipcover (Out of stock)
14. Freddy vs Jason - DVD (Out of stock)
15. The Amityville 3 Films - DVD (Out of stock)
16. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Film - DVD
17. A Nightmare on Elm Street 8 Film - DVD
18. Little Shop Of Horrors - DVD (Out of stock)
19. Snatchers - DVD (Out of stock)
20. The Purge 2 Films - DVD
21. Child's Play - DVD (Out of stock)
22. Deep Blue Sea 3 - DVD
23. Doctor Sleep - Bluray (Out of stock)
24. Saw II - DVD (Out of stock)
25. Saw V - DVD (Out of stock)
26. Saw Final Chapter - DVD
27. 5 FILM Collection - DVD (Out of stock)
28. Evil Boy - DVD+Slipcover (Out of stock)
29. Truth or Dare - DVD (Out of stock)
30. Poltergeist - DVD+Sipcover (Out of stock)
31. The Outsider - DVD
32. The Curse of La Llorona - DVD
33. Witches in the Woods - DVD (Out of stock)
34. Winchester - DVD (Out of stock)
35. 3 FILM Collection - DVD
36. The Final Wish - DVD
37. Crimson Peak - DVD
38. Castle Rock 1 - DVD
39. Castle Rock 2 - DVD (Out of stock)
40. Castle Rock 2 - Bluray+Digital (Out of stock)
41. 2 Series Collection - DVD (Out of stock)
42. Gremlins - DVD+Slipcover
43. Gremlins 2 Films - DVD
44. Gremlins - DVD
45. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - Bluray+DVD (Out of stock)
46. Beetlejuice - DVD
47. Beetlejuice - DVD+Slipcover (Out of stock)
50. Beetlejuice - Bluray (Out of stock)
51. Beetlejuice - 4K+Bluray+Digital (Out of stock)
52. The NUN - DVD (Out of stock)
53. The NUN - Bluray
54. The NUN - Bluray+DVD+Digital (Out of stock)
56. Pet Sematary - Bluray+Digital (Out of stock)
57. Hocus Pocus - DVD (Out of stock)
58. Seven Blood Stained Orchids - Bluray (Out of stock)
59. The Lost Boys - DVD
60. IT - DVD
61. IT - 2 Films - DVD+Slipcover
62. IT - 4K+Bluray+Digital+Slipcover
63. IT - Bluray (Out of stock)
64. IT - DVD
repacked! 65. Deep Blue Sea 3 - DVD
repacked! 67. Friday The 13th - DVD (Out of stock)
repacked! 68. Freddy vs. Jason - DVD (Out of stock)
repacked! 69. Halloween - DVD
70. Z - Bluray
71. repacked! Child's Play - DVD
72. IT Chapter Two - DVD
73. Halloween - DVD
74. King of Horror 8 Film - DVD
75. Friday The 13th - 8 Movie - DVD (Out of stock)
76. 32 Malasana Street - DVD (Out of stock)
77. SLAXX - DVD (Out of stock)
78. Skinwalker - DVD (Out of stock)
79. Bram Stokers Van Helsing - DVD (Out of stock)
80. Halloween & Halloween II - DVD
81. The Monster Squad - DVD (Out of stock)
82. Witches Of Blackwood - DVD
84. Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead - DVD
85. Village of the Vampire - DVD
86. MA - DVD
87. Jaws - 3 Movies - DVD
88. Us - DVD
90. Hocus Pocus - Bluray+Digital (Out of stock)
repacked! 92. Gretel & Hansel - Bluray (Out of stock)
93. The Rocky Horror Picture Show - BLURAY+DIGITAL (Out of stock)
94. Dead of Night - BLURAY
95. American Psycho - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 96. a Haunting in Texas - DVD (Out of stock)
97. The Nightmare Before Christmas - DVD (Out of stock)
98. Tremors: 4 Film Collection - DVD
99. Night of the Animated Dead - Bluray+Digital
100. Malignant - DVD+Digital (Out of stock)
101. Malignant - Bluray+Digital
102. Krampus - 4K+Bluray (Out of stock)
103. Rogue - DVD
104. Doctor Sleep - DVD
105. The Banishing - DVD
106. Conjuring Evil Collection - DVD
107. The Convent - DVD
108. IT Chapter Two - DVD
Most popularMost popular
109. A Nightmare on Elm Street DVD 8 Movies Collec
110. The Forever Purge - BLURAY+DVD+Digital
111. Stephen King 5 Move Collection - BLURAY (Out of stock)
112. IT Chapter TWO - BLURAY+DVD+Digital (Out of stock)
113.IT 2 Film Collection - BLURAY
114. The Nightmare Before Christmas BLURAY+Digital (Out of stock)
115. Jaws - 4K+BLURAY+Digital (Out of stock)
116. Scream - 4K+Digital (Out of stock)
117. Scream 3-Movie Collection - BLURAY+Digital (Out of stock)
118. Tooth Fairy: The Last Extraction - DVD (Out of stock)
119. Witch Hunt - DVD
120. Scream - DVD (Out of stock)
121. The Forever Purge - DVD
122. The Conjuring: 3-Film Collection - DVD - Walm
123. Stephen: King's The Stand - DVD
124. Candyman - DVD
125. Crawl - DVD
126. Night of the Animated Dead - DVD (Out of stock)
127. Best of Horror 10-Film - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 128. MA - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital
129. The Conjuring 3: The Devil Made Me Do It - Bl (Out of stock)
130. The Conjuring 3-Film Collection - Blu-ray+Dig (Out of stock)
131. The Invisible Man - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital
133. Scream Trilogy 1 2 3 - DVD
134. The Hunt - DVD (Out of stock)
135. Relic - DVD
136. The Eye - DVD
139. Final Destination - Vol. 1-3 - DVD (Out of stock)
140. The Invisible Man - DVD
141. Monster House - DVD
142. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It - DVD+ (Out of stock)
143. Edward Scissorhands: 25th Anniversary - DVD
144. A Quiet Place - DVD
146. Pet Sematary - DVD
147. Chucky Season One - DVD (Out of stock)
148. Saw 8 Film Horror Collection - DVD
149. Freaky - Killer Switch Edition - DVD
151. Jack and Jill - DVD
152. Halloween Kills: Extended Cut - Blu-Ray+DVD+D (Out of stock)
153. Psycho - 4K+Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
154. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Blu-ray + Stee (Out of stock)
155. Scream 5 - Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
156. Halloween Kills: Extended Cut - DVD+Embossed
157. Psycho - DVD+Slipcover
158. Dracula Untold - DVD (Out of stock)
159. Apparitions - DVD
160. An American Werewolf in London - DVD (Out of stock)
161. Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Film: 1-4 - DVD
162. Nightmare on Elm Street 4 Film: 1-4 - DVD
163. The Addams Family 2 - DVD
164. The Hills Have Eyes - 4K Ulta HD
165. The House of the Devil - Blu-ray (Out of stock)
166. The Ice Demon - DVD
167. Scream 2-Movie Collection - 4K+Digital (Out of stock)
168. Scream 5 - DVD (Out of stock)
169. The Legend of La Llorona - DVD+Slipcover
170. Jaws - DVD
171. Doctor Carver - DVD (Out of stock)
172. Slumber Party Massacre - DVD
173. Scream 3 - DVD
174. The Jack in the Box: Awakening - DVD (Out of stock)
175. It: 2 Film Collection - DVD
176. The Outsider - Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
177. The Legend of La Llorona DVD
repack! 178. Chucky Season One - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 179. Slumber Party Massacre - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 180. Scream 3-Movie Collection - Blu-ray+D (Out of stock)
repack! 181. Us - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital
repack! 182. Winchester - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital
repack! 183. The Meg - 4K+Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
repack! 184. Halloween - Collector Edition - 4K+Bl (Out of stock)
repack! 185. The Nightmare Before Christmas Blu-ra (Out of stock)
repack! 186. Thrills and Chills 4-Movie Collection (Out of stock)
repack! 187. The Invisible Man - Blu-ray+DVD+Digit
repack! 188. The First Purge - 4K+Blu-ray+Digital
repack! 189. Psycho - 4K+Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
repack! 191. 3 From Hell - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital
repack! 192. Hocus Pocus - Blu-ray+Digital - 25th
repack! 193. Scream 5 - 4K+Digital
repack! 195. Nun - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital (Out of stock)
repack! 196. Nun - 4K+Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
repack! 197. The Birds - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 198. Little Shop of Horrors - DVD+Slipcove (Out of stock)
repack! 200. Annabelle Comes Home - DVD
repack! 201. Castle Rock: The Complete Second Seas (Out of stock)
repack! 202. The Stand - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 203. The Shining - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 204. Saw II - DVD - Widescreen Edition
repack! 205. Sleepwalkers - DVD
repack! 206. VIVARIUM - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 207. Ma - DVD
repack! 208. Spell - DVD
repack! 209. Tales from the Crypt: The Complete Fi (Out of stock)
repack! 210. Gretel & Hansel - DVD + Digital
repack! 211. Universal Classic Monsters Collection (Out of stock)
repack! 212. Jaws - DVD
repack! 214. 2 FILMS: Christine & Darkness Falls - (Out of stock)
repack! 215. Saw: 8-Film Collection - DVD
repack! 216. The Crow - DVD
repack! 217. The Banana Splits Movie - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 218. Crawl - DVD
repack! 219. Tales from the Hood 3 - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 220. She Demons - DVD - 1958 (Out of stock)
repack! 221. The Invisible Man - DVD
repack! 222. Insidious - DVD
repack! 223. Dead Presidents - DVD - 1998
repack! 224. Sharks in Venice - DVD
repack! 225. Friday The 13th - 8 Movie Collection (Out of stock)
repack! 226. The Hills Have Eyes - DVD - Unrated (Out of stock)
repack! 227. Rogue - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 228. Blade Trilogy - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 229. Resident Evil: Damnation - DVD
repack! 231. Monster Squad by Fred Dekker - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 232. Dead Space: Downfall - DVD
233. Scream 2-Movie Collection - Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
234. A Quiet Place 2-Movie Collection - Blu-ray +
235. A Quiet Place 2-Movie Collection - DVD (Out of stock)
236. They Came From The '80s: The Fog/The Howling/ (Out of stock)
237. 6:45 - DVD - 2022
239. The Purge: 4-Movie Collection - DVD (Out of stock)
240. Scream 5 - 4K+Digital
241. Snatchers - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital+Slipcover (Out of stock)
242. Halloween Kills: Extended Cut - 4K+Blu-Ray+D
243. The Hunt - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital (Out of stock)
244. A Quiet Place, Part II - 4K+Blu-ray+Digital (Out of stock)
245. A Quiet Place, Part II - DVD (Out of stock)
246. The Addams Family 2 : Film Collection - DVD
247. The Purge: Double Feature: The Purge Election
repack! 248. The Purge: Double Feature: The Purge
249. Stephen King Collection: The Dead Zone/Pet Se
250. Scream 2-Movie Collection - DVD - 2022 (Out of stock)
251. Halloween - DVD -1978 (Out of stock)
252. Antebellum - Blu-ray+DVD+Digital (Out of stock)
253. Antebellum - DVD
254. Child's Play ( Chucky ) - DVD
255. A Nightmare Wakes - DVD (Out of stock)
repack! 256. Friday The 13th: 4-Movie Collection
More than 10 available350 sold
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eBay item number:304130043542
Last updated on Jan 04, 2025 11:56:38 PSTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Brand New: An item that has never been opened or removed from the manufacturer’s sealing (if ...
DVD or Blu-ray or 4K or Digital
Movie/TV Title
Scary Movie, Horror, Halloween

Item description from the seller

About this seller


99.6% positive feedback•17K items sold

Joined Aug 2004
Usually responds within 24 hours

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  • u***h (2199)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
  • 3***f (1213)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Great product Great seller wow I will definitely be ordering from you again and again thanks so much
  • 0***0 (662)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    great movie thank you.
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