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Fred Gibson 2005 Topps Finest Rookie Card RC Green Refractor /199 Steelers #145

US $2.49
Ungraded - Excellent
Hurry before it's gone. 1 person is watching this item.
US $0.69 eBay Standard Envelope for Eligible Items up to $20.
Located in: Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, United States
Estimated between Wed, Nov 6 and Tue, Nov 12 to 20147
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eBay item number:235449363870

Item specifics

Ungraded - Excellent: Not in original packaging or professionally graded

Item description from the seller

Luft Brothers Trading LLC

Luft Brothers Trading LLC

99.8% positive feedback
13K items sold
Joined Apr 2013
Sports & Other Trading Cards, Collectibles and More!New listings almost daily with values of $1-$1000 so something for everyone!!All items are shipped within 1-2 business days of purchase and shipped ...
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