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1999 Pokemon Base Set - Choose Your Card - All Cards Available 🔥💧🍃

US $2.88
Ungraded - Near mint or better
Alakazam 1/102 - Holo Rare
Blastoise 2/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Chansey 3/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Charizard 4/102 - Holo Rare
Clefairy 5/102 - Holo Rare
Gyarados 6/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Hitmonchan 7/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Machamp 8/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Magneton 9/102 - Holo Rare
Mewtwo 10/102 - Holo Rare
Nidoking 11/102 - Holo Rare
Ninetales 12/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Raichu 14/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Poliwrath 13/102 - Holo Rare (Out of stock)
Venusaur 15/102 - Holo Rare
Zapdos 16/102 - Holo Rare
Beedrill 17/102 - Rare
Dragonair 18/102 - Rare
Dugtrio 19/102 - Rare
Electabuzz 20/102 - Rare
Electrode 21/102 - Rare
Pidgeotto 22/102 - Rare
Arcanine 23/102 - Uncommon
Charmeleon 24/102 - Uncommon
Dewgong 25/102 - Uncommon
Dratini 26/102 - Uncommon
Farfetch'd 27/102 - Uncommon
Growlithe 28/102 - Uncommon
Haunter 29/102 - Uncommon
Ivysaur 30/102 - Uncommon
Jynx 31/102 - Uncommon
Kadabra 32/102 - Uncommon
Kakuna 33/102 - Uncommon
Machoke 34/102 - Uncommon
Magikarp 35/102 - Uncommon
Magmar 36/102 - Uncommon
Nidorino 37/102 - Uncommon
Poliwhirl 38/102 - Uncommon
Porygon 39/102 - Uncommon
Raticate 40/102 - Uncommon
Seel 41/102 - Uncommon
Wartortle 42/102 - Uncommon
Bulbasaur 44/102 - Common
Caterpie 45/102 - Common
Charmander 46/102 - Common
Diglett 47/102 - Common
Doduo 48/102 - Common
Drowzee 49/102 - Common
Gastly 50/102 - Common
Koffing 51/102 - Common
Machop 52/102 - Common
Magnemite 53/102 - Common
Metapod 54/102 - Common
Nidoran♂ 55/102 - Common
Onix 56/102 - Common
Pidgey 57/102 - Common
Pikachu 58/102 - Common
Poliwag 59/102 - Common
Ponyta 60/102 - Common
Rattata 61/102 - Common
Sandshrew 62/102 - Common
Squirtle 63/102 - Common
Most popularMost popular
Starmie 64/102 - Common
Staryu 65/102 - Common
Tangela 66/102 - Common
Voltorb 67/102 - Common
Vulpix 68/102 - Common
Weedle 69/102 - Common
Clefairy Doll 70/102 - Rare
Computer Search 71/102 - Rare
Devolution Spray 72/102 - Rare
Imposter Professor Oak 73/102 - Rare
Item Finder 74/102 - Rare
Lass 75/102 - Rare
Pokémon Breeder 76/102 - Rare
Pokémon Trader 77/102 - Rare (Out of stock)
Scoop Up 78/102 - Rare
Super Energy Removal 79/102 - Rare
Defender 80/102 - Uncommon
Energy Retrieval 81/102 - Uncommon
Full Heal 82/102 - Umcommon
Maintenance 83/102 - Uncommon
PlusPower 84/102 - Uncommon
Pokémon Center 85/102 - Uncommon
Pokémon Flute 86/102 - Uncommon
Pokédex 87/102 - Uncommon
Professor Oak 88/102 - Uncommon
Revive 89/102 - Uncommon
Super Potion 90/102 - Uncommon
Bill 91/102 - Common
Energy Removal 92/102 - Common
Gust of Wind 93/102 - Common
Potion 94/102 - Common
Switch 95/102 - Common
Double Colorless Energy 96/102 - Uncommon
Fighting Energy 97/102
Fire Energy 98/102
Grass Energy 99/102
Lightning Energy 100/102
Psychic Energy 101/102
Water Energy 102/102
Full Heal 82/102 - Uncommon
Machamp 8/102 - Holo Rare - 1st Ed Sealed Promo
Complete Master Set - All 102 Cards
1999-2000 - Beedrill 17/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Dugtrio 19/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Arcanine 23/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Dewgong 25/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Machoke 34/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Nidorino 37/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Porygon 39/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Seel 41/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Caterpie 45/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Diglett 47/102 - UK 4th Print (Out of stock)
1999-2000 - Gastly 50/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Nidoran 55/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Onix 56/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Rattata 61/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Squirtle 63/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Vulpix 68/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Revive 89/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Bill 91/102 - UK 4th Print
1999-2000 - Colorless Energy 96/102 - UK 4th Print (Out of stock)
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eBay item number:225576614255
Last updated on Feb 11, 2025 10:09:35 PSTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Near mint or better: Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Card Size
Colorless Energy, Fighting, Fire, Grass, Lightning, Psychic
Base Set
Abra, Alakazam, Blastoise, Bulbasaur, Chansey, Charizard, Charmander, Clefairy, Gyarados, Hitmonchan, Magnemite, Magneton, Mewtwo, Nidoking, Ninetales, Pikachu, Poliwrath, Porygon, Raichu, Squirtle, Venusaur, Zapdos
Creature/Monster Type
Fire Dragon
Year Manufactured
Card Stock
Age Level
Holo Rare
Pokémon TCG
Card Name
Wizards of the Coast
Card Type
Country/Region of Manufacture
United States

Item description from the seller

About this seller

Poké Master Center

99.7% positive feedback6.9K items sold

Joined Nov 2010
Usually responds within 24 hours
I'm a hobby Pokemon collector since 1998 when Base Set first came out. I recently found my old collection in my parents attic and started listing/grading my cards to sell off. Most of my inventory was ...
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Detailed seller ratings

Average for the last 12 months
Accurate description
Reasonable shipping cost
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Seller feedback (1,504)

All ratings
  • 5***e (1)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    Im happy with my purchase! Though the authenticity comes up to be a fake card. it does come in perfect condition and looks good but like i said the fact its fake doesn’t give it value but still in good quality for aesthetic memorabilia purposes.
    Reply from: pokemastercenter- Feedback replied by seller pokemastercenter.- Feedback replied by seller pokemastercenter.
    Hello, I can ensure you the card is real. We only source authentic cards. We legit check surface, text, print run, and black core layer checks. If you have any questions just reach out!
  • i***e (2)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    The quality of the card I received was in great condition and was perfectly packaged when I received it. Appearance of the card I purchased matched the overall description of the listing of the item. And even though the card I purchased wasn’t a super rare or desirable card, it was a good value for a base set card. I will definitely be buying from this seller again in the near future. I highly recommend collectors seeking base set cards grab the cards the need for their collection here! I am
    Reply from: pokemastercenter- Feedback replied by seller pokemastercenter.- Feedback replied by seller pokemastercenter.
    Thank you for the detailed review!
  • t***1 (467)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
    Verified purchase
    It’s an honor to own a very sought after card such as this! The nostalgia is real with this card! It looks beautiful and it’s now in my magnetic case! Thank you very much for this nostalgic treasure!!
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