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Location: United StatesMember since: May 11, 2006
Reviews (2)
Dec 13, 2007
This is a must buy for Naruto fans!
Wii Naruto seems almost like a recycled version of Naruto titles released on older platforms (PS2 ect). The revolutionary Wii game controllers, however, bring this game to new levels. My 13-year-old daughter, who is an “advanced game player,” remains absolutely thrilled about this game. The action packed game play of this storyline remains fast paced and relatively simple. My 8-year-old daughter is able to play Clash of the Ninja Revolution and she gains added levels of ability everyday. So, in summary, this game is challenging enough for an advanced gamer and yet painless enough for the beginners. Hard core gamers should steer clear of this game as you will not be impressed with the similarities between Naruto:Revolution and the previously released titles. However, this game is a must for Wii enthusiasts and Naruto fans alike.
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Dec 13, 2007
Do the game guru's know your kids?
I decided to purchase Super Paper Mario for the Wii platform because I wanted to introduce my children to the Mario characters made famous by my generation in the mid to late 80's. I tried to read through all the technical jargon and expert opinions concerning multi-dimensional game play and advanced graphic formats but I realized that my kids simply could careless about the “experts” considerations. A great game, in my opinion, passes one simple acid test: do the kids enjoy playing this particular game? The simple answer with Super Paper Mario is a resounding YES. I have three girls, whose age range from 13 to 7, including a 13 year old " advanced gamer." All three navigate the game control and play with enjoyable ease. All three remain excited with anticipation while awaiting their respected turn. We have nearly a dozen games and this title remains a constant favorite. I recommend this game for any age child with any level of Wii coordination. I give it 4 to 4.5 stars and would rate it between good and excellent.
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