Over-The-Counter Allergy Medicine

Over-The-Counter Allery Medicine

If you’re experiencing allergies and have symptoms like itchy watery eyes, nasal decongestion, sneezing, running nose, scratchy throat, or hives, over-the-counter allergy medicine, including antihistamines and decongestants, may help ease some of the symptoms. OTC medications come in tablets, nasal sprays, capsules, liquids, and eye drops.

How do you choose the right medicine for your symptoms?

Allergens can trigger immune system mass cells that create histamine in the body. Histamine may cause certain reactions such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. Antihistamines are designed to treat these symptoms by blocking the histamine receptors. Some people may experience minor side effects, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or nausea.

Your body’s response to an allergen may inflame the nasal tissue, which can cause congestion, nasal swelling, and mucus secretion. Decongestants aim to treat these allergy symptoms by shrinking swollen nasal tissues and blood vessels. This type of allergy medicine may also cause minor side effects, such as sleepiness and nausea.

What types of allergy symptoms are treated by nasal sprays?

Over-the-counter (OTC) nasal sprays are meant to treat nasal reactions to allergens, like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy nose. They may be taken along with some oral allergy medications and may also help to ease decongestion symptoms. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or year-round allergies, sprays could help prevent allergy reactions.

When should you use allergy eye drops?

Allergy eye drops may provide temporary relief to hay fever symptoms, including burning eyes and itchy, teary eyes. There are different types of eye drops that help to relieve allergies. Antihistamine eye drops can potentially provide quick relief to your symptoms. They may generally be used along with pills, capsules, oral allergy medication, and sprays to target various reactions to allergens.

What brands of allergy medicine are available?

There are several allergy brands for children and adults that do not require a prescription. These medications are known to treat the most common symptoms that allergy sufferers experience. Here are some of the most common brands of nonprescription antihistamines and decongestant medicine.

  • Claritin offers medications for indoor and outdoor allergies. Some medications also provide non-drowsy relief. Adults can choose between a variety of different forms of Claritin, including tablets, dissolving tablets, and liquid gels. Chewable tablets, tablet melts, and non-drowsy syrup are available for children.
  • There are several types of Zyrtec medicines to treat a variety of indoor and outdoor allergy reactions. They offer antihistamine eye drops and medicine in pill, liquid, and spray forms.
  • Benadryl treats a variety of indoor and outdoor reactions to allergens, including hay fever symptoms and congestion. Children’s Benadryl products come in syrup and chewable form. Adults can choose Benadryl tablets and liquid gels.